
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has ensured that the construction of the Jawa South Coast Cross Road (Pansela) in Yogyakarta will be completed by the end of this year.

Assistant for the Implementation of the DIY National Road, Central Java-DI Yogyakarta National Road Implementation, Wahyu Widiantoro, explained that his party is currently working on an on going package which is certain to be completed this year.

"Pansela this year there is one package on going, hopefully 2023 can be completed. For 2023-2024, it is planned that 2 packages of hope for 2024 will be completed," he told the media in Yogyakarta, Thursday, July 6.

He detailed that the package I was a construction for Jalan Tepus to Jerukwudel II which stretches for 10.92 km.

This project has a contract value of IDR 266 billion.

Then for package II, Wahyu continued, his party will build Jalan Baru Kretek until Girijati is still in the preparation stage and will stretch along 5.64 km with funds of Rp261 billion.

Not only that, he continued, his party will also build another package, namely the Pandansimo Bridge which is still in the preparation stage for the auction. According to him, the construction of this bridge will cost more than the Kretek II Bridge.

"Pandansimo is still preparing for the auction but is quite bigger than Kretek II because it is long. We hope that by 2024 everything will be finished," concluded Wahyu.

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