
JAKARTA The latest development of general inflation (consumer price index / IHK) which fell to 3.52 percent year on year (yoy) in June 2023 (May 2023: 4.00 percent) is a positive indication of the continuing trend of strengthening the national economy.

This is the official broadcast of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) which was reported today.

According to the Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) of the Ministry of Finance, Febrio Kacaribu, all components forming inflation show a downward trend.

He detailed that core inflation was recorded at 2.6 percent (yoy) which was relatively stable compared to the previous month of 2.7 percent.

"Meanwhile, price inflation is regulated by the government (administered price) to continue the downward trend, although it is still at a fairly high level, 9.2 percent," he said on Tuesday, July 4.

Febrio explained, in terms of food inflation, food prices are volatile or volatile food is also under control. He said, various food price control policies were consistently carried out by the government.

"The periodic increase in food stocks and the implementation of Cheap Food Titles throughout Indonesia have a significant impact on reducing volatile food inflation to 1.2 percent in June 2023," he said.

Febrio said the score was much lower than the peak food inflation pressure that occurred in July 2022 at the level of 11.5 percent.

"Nevertheless, several commodities such as meat and chicken eggs experienced an increase in prices due to increased demand in line with the Eid celebration as well as rising feed prices and chicken seeds," he said.

Sri Mulyani's subordinate said that there were certain risks that became a concern after this positive result.

"In the future, the government will continue to be aware of El Nino's potential risk of food inflation, including through educational programs to farmers related to planting strategies and encouraging optimization of the use of water management infrastructure to minimize the risk of crop failure," he said.

Febrio added that the government will continue to try to control inflation by anticipating risks that could cause price fluctuations to reach the target of inflation of 3 percent plus minus 1 percent by the end of 2023.

"Overall inflation control efforts will continue to be strengthened with central and regional coordination, including in optimizing the APBN and APBD in maintaining price stability," he concluded.

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