
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) facilitates seven electronics and telematics industries or Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to showcase the latest technology at the well-known Communic Asia 2023 exhibition in Singapore.

The Director General of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics (ILMATE) of the Ministry of Industry, Taufiek Bawazier, said that his party continues to encourage the domestic ICT industry to be competitive in the global market in line with the Making Indonesia 4.0 program.

"Articipation at the Communication Asia exhibition is not only focused on introducing national industrial products, services and technology in the international market, but also strengthening global business networks and opening up business opportunities, investment and cooperation," he said in a written statement received by VOI, Monday, June 12.

The seven ICT industries are PT. Nocola IOT Solution, PT. Dwi Tunggal Putra, PT. Indonesian Green Solution, PT. In the eyes of Sora Jayate, PT. Integration Main, PT. Bahawan Integration Nusantara, and PT. Qwords Company International.

Taufiek assessed that the participation of the national industry in the Communication Asia 2023 was a concrete step in the implementation of the program initiated by the Ministry of Industry to support one of the targets in the 2020-2024 RPJMN in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 18 of 2020, namely the contribution of exports of high-tech industrial products which is targeted to reach 13 percent by 2024.

"The strategy of increasing exports of goods and services in the manufacturing industry sector will be supported by revitalization of the processing industry which encourages diversification of non-commodity export products, especially high-tech manufacturing products," he said.

Therefore, innovative steps are needed in increasing exports, such as improving the added value side by shifting export priority commodities from the level of processing or co-manufacturing products towards high technology products, by optimizing ICT products which are high-technology products with high intensity R&D.

For your information, the Communication Asia 2023 is an implemented and relevant information-communication technology event in Asia, where exhibitions from around the world will feature the latest technology in 5G, broadband, FTTx, connected services, and satellite communications.

The Communication Asia 2023 exhibition also shows the ability of the national industry in the field of providing IoT products and databases or data centers that are integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.

These two technologies are important aspects in digitization and the higher the need, both at home and abroad. Indonesia is one of the countries that has the largest marketplace access in Southeast Asia, and will need the support of this technology.

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