PT Timah Setor Pajak Dan PNBP Senilai Total Rp124.7 Miliar
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)


PT Timah Tbk deposited taxes and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) in the first quarter of 2023 amounting to IDR 124.7 billion, as a company's commitment to make the best contribution to the state and shareholders.

"Although global tin prices have decreased, PT Timah Tbk can still deposit taxes and PNBP of IDR 124.7 billion in the first quarter of this year," said Corporate Secretary of PT Timah Tbk Abdullah Umar in a press statement, quoted from Antara, Saturday, June 10.

Ia mengatakan tin yang merupakan komoditas global juga terdampak dari kondisi ekonomi global, peningkatan suku bunga, inflasi Amerika Serikat (AS) dan juga perang dagang yang masih terjadi berdampak pada harga komoditas yang relatif tidak stabil di Triwulan I tahun 2023.

Based on records, the average price of lead companies in the first quarter of 2023 reached USD 26,573 per metric ton. This also caused the contribution of PT Timah Tbk to the state to decrease compared to the same period in 2022 which reached Rp267.8 billion.

"Another factor has caused the decline in the contribution of taxes and PNBP PT Timah Tbk, due to the decline in sales of PT Timah Tbk due to global tin demand has decreased," he said.

He stated that the company's management is trying to improve performance so that it can contribute to the state, shareholders and the community.

"The decline in commodity prices is influenced by global economic conditions that have a direct impact on the company's performance. However, the company already has a strategy to deal with this in the hope of continuing to increase the contribution of taxes and PNBP to the state," he said.

According to him, as an open company, PT Timah Tbk also continues to strive to maintain the trust of shareholders by taking a number of concrete steps to improve the company's performance.

"PT Timah continues to strive and take steps such as carrying out efficiency throughout the business chain including the efficiency of smelting costs by operating a new smelter with TSL Ausmelt Furnace technology," he said.

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