
JAKARTA - The sustainable integrated energy company, PT TBS Energi Utama Tbk (TOBA) today, Thursday, June 8, announced the company's consolidated financial report for the 2022 financial year and the plan to distribute dividends from the Company's net profit at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS).

The company also held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) to seek approval of the plan to increase capital through the Pre-emptive Rights (HMETD) mechanism. Throughout 2022, TBS managed to record revenues of US$635.8 million, an increase of 34.7 percent compared to 2021. In addition, the Company also managed to score a net profit of 93.9 million US dollars, an increase of 43.1 percent from the previous year.

With this positive capital, the Company will continue to strengthen business growth in renewable energy projects and the development of the electric vehicle ecosystem. In addition to the AGMS, the Company also received approval from shareholders to distribute dividends to shareholders with a total dividend of 6.9 million US dollars. During a media conference session held after the AGMS and EGMS, the Director of FFB, July Oktariana explained the results of continued financial performance in the midst of strict global financial market conditions in 2022, especially when the Company was transforming towards green energy.

Our strong commitment to transform towards green energy is seen through a clear strategy roadmap and execution of business development diversification towards environmentally friendly investments. In addition to the growing performance of financial performance, we have also taken a number of steps to continue to strengthen our Good Corporate Governance (GCG) to make it better to succeed in achieving the transformation towards the Towards a Better Society 2030," said Juli. July also conveyed a number of important achievements of the Company in 2022, among others the Company's success in recording positive financial performance, progress of the green energy business project, the success of diversifying source financing through the issuance of bonds in the Capital Market which has been carried out since 2022 and has been recorded at IDX in early 2023, as well as the launch of the Commitment Towards a Better Society (TBS2030).

“Sepanjang tahun 2022, TBS kembali berhasil mencatatkan kinerja keuangan yang positif dan solid. Harga batu bara yang kuat di pasar global merupakan katalis positif bagi kinerja Perseroan. Pendapatan tersebut memperkuat posisi Perseroan untuk melanjutkan proses transformasi menuju perusahaan energi berkelanjutan dan pembangunan ekosistem kendaraan listrik,” jelasnya.Lebih lanjut Juli mengatakan, keberhasilan Perseroan dalam penerbitan Obligasi yang telah dicatatkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia di awal 2023 dengan nilai nominal sebesar Rp500 miliar menjadi salah satu proyeksi dari kepercayaan positif di pasar, baik institusi maupun individu pada Perseroan.

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