
JAKARTA - Bank Muamalat through the Muamalat Institute is making efforts to strengthen Islamic financial literacy and inclusion in Jambi. This is marked by the raising of cooperation with the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin (UIN STS) through the development of human resources (HR).

Bank Muamalat Director of Operations and Digital Affairs Wahyu Avianto said his party supports Islamic banking literacy in the campus environment.

"We have a strong commitment so that students can be the next milestone in the Islamic economy in Indonesia," he said in a written statement quoted by the editor on Sunday, May 7.

According to Wahyu, students are strategic subjects that need to be embraced in order to ensure that Islamic economic growth in the country continues to run according to the target.

"They are the nation's shoot that we need to provide the widest possible space to be able to optimize their potential," he said.

On the same occasion, Director of the Muamalat Institute Anton Hendrianto said that this collaboration is very crucial considering that educational institutions play a role in creating competent human resources to support the growth of the halal industry in Indonesia.

"Education can be an investment to deal with competition in the world of work and business, as well as increase Indonesia's Human Capital Index in the ASEAN region," he said.

Therefore, continued Anton, it is hoped that university graduates will have competitiveness in the world of work and business in the era of globalization.

"We have a high commitment in providing full support in providing the MINDerin Goes to Campus program to build the quality of Indonesian human resources that excel through the triple helix model synergy, namely by uniting collaboration between elements of the government, campuses and industry to support the growth of the Halal Industry and Islamic banking towards Indonesia Gold 2045," he stressed.

Similarly, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UIN STS AA Miftah expressed his appreciation for Muamalat Group's participation in improving human resources on campus.

"We are grateful and encourage this agenda to continue in the future. This initiative also contributes to the implementation of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM)," he said.

Miftah also assessed that the role of campuses and business actors can be a strategic bridge in the expansion of Islamic financial literacy and inclusion in society.

"We believe that cooperation with Bank Muamalat and the Muamalat Institute is a real action and can provide mutual benefits for both parties and the general public," he added.

For information, Muamalat Group not only provides HR training to students but also facilitates more than 1,000 students to open a Bank Muamalat account through the Coordination of Benefit (CoB) which makes account opening very fast and easy.

Meanwhile, the opening of this account is claimed to be the first step in order to directly apply the material that has been submitted regarding the basic understanding of Islamic banking. In the future, the first Islamic banking entity in Indonesia will encourage increased Islamic financial literacy and inclusion through Link and Match Campus programs and other agendas.

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