JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono together with the Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Ganjar Pranowo reviewed the readiness of Eid homecoming services at the Batang-Semarang toll road rest area, on Tuesday, April 18.
During the review, Minister Basuki and Governor Ganjar also greeted the travelers who were resting at the KM 379A Travoy Rest Area and KM 389B Travoy Rest Area on the Batang-Semarang section.
In addition to greeting travelers and sharing takjil to travelers, Minister Basuki together with Governor Ganjar and President Director of PT Jasa Marga Subakti Syukur also inaugurated the MSME village in the KM 379A travoy rest area, as well as providing compensation for orphans.
Minister Basuki said, there are three things that determine smoothness and make this homecoming safe and memorable.
First, facilities and infrastructure services must be good, especially cleanliness and water availability. Second, good regulations, such as regulating the collective leave period, contra flow, and one way which will take effect from Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 14.30 WIB.
"Third, the behavior of road users. We all have to work well together in providing Lebaran homecoming services. The Ministry of PUPR has prepared infrastructure and facilities, the police and the Ministry of Transportation have prepared regulations, and users must also behave well," Basuki said in his official statement, quoted Wednesday, April 19.
"Don't let it happen when one way is implemented, there are still people fighting to enter the toll road," he added.
Therefore, Basuki also invited travelers to be orderly and disciplined in the applicable regulations, as well as follow the instructions of officers in the field, so that homecoming trips can be safer and more memorable.
"This homecoming is the most happiness. Because, there is no happiness that exceeds people who can go home. For that, the services provided must be good," he said.
To support the smooth flow of homecoming in 2023, Basuki said, currently there are 127 rest areas in 70 operational toll roads in Indonesia. With the presence of MSMEs, the rest area is expected to be able to contribute to the local economy.
"Other services that we provide are the addition of toilets which previously numbered only 6,000 toilets, now to 9,000 toilets," he said.
Meanwhile, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said, a number of readiness services for the 2023 Eid homecoming flow will continue to be improved by his party.
"Regarding infrastructure readiness, thank God several toll roads are also functional. I observed today with one way still relatively smooth. Thank you to Minister Basuki and the ranks of the PUPR Ministry," he added.
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