JAKARTA - The 2023 BUMD Awards were given to the leading BUMD (regional-owned enterprises) from all over Indonesia, Wednesday, April 5, 2023, at the Raffles Hotel Jakarta. The award was given to BUMDs who had successfully passed the assessment process in several stages.
The event was attended by about 800 people. These include high-ranking BUMD officials who won the award, regional heads who received awards, business experts, and others.
The award organizers are TopBusiness Magazine, in collaboration with the Regional Autonomy Institute (I-Otda). It is also supported by several institutions such as the NawaCita Institute for Studies (LKN), SGL Management, Daya Prima Synergy, Dwika Consulting, Melani K. Harriman and Associate, Business Performance Solutions (SKB), several teaching staff from the University of Indonesia and Padjadjaran University, Bandung.
At the 2023 TOP BUMD Awards, there were eight BUMDs that received the Golden Trophy award, namely BUMD which won 5-star awards for three consecutive years. They are Bank Sumsel Babel, Perumda Air Drinking City of Padang, RSUD Dr. Iskak Tulungagung, Bank NTB Syariah, Bank Sumut, Perumda Tirtanadi North Sumatra, Jamkrida Bali Mandara (Perseroda), BPR BKK Kendal (Perseroda).
In addition, there are many of the best BUMDs in Indonesia that won the 5th Star level award, including Perumdam Tirta Kerta Raharja Kab. Tangerang, Kanjuruhan Hospital Malang Regency, Bank Papua, Perumda Drinking Water Giri Nawa Tirta Kab. Pasuruan, PT Sriwijaya Mandiri Sumsel (Perseroda), PT Sarana Pembangunan Riau, Bank Jatim, Perumdam Tirta Taka Kab. Nunukan, Perusda Melati Bhakti Satya, Perumda Tirta Uli Pematang Siantar City, Jamkrida East Java, Perumda Tuah Sekata.
In addition, there is Perumda Drinking Water Apa' Mening Kab Malinau, Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya Jakarta, Perumdam Tirta Mayang Jambi City, Perumda Tirta Manangluku Palopo City, Bank Sultra, BPR East Java, Bumi Siak Pusako, Perumda Tirta Hidayah Bengkulu City, Perumda Paljaya, PT Air Drinking Berkah Banua (Perseroda), PT Bangun Banua South Kalimantan, Bank Bengkulu, Perumdam Tirta Baribis Brebes Regency, PDAM Surya Sembada City Surabaya, Tarutung Hospital North Tapanuli, PT Sumsel Energi Gemilang (Perseroda), Palembang Bari Hospital and several other BUMD who won the 4-star, 4-star and 3-star awards.
Chairman of the 2023 BUMD Awards Top Organizers, M. Lutfi Handayani, MM., MBA., said that the theme raised in 2023 is "Innovation in building BUMD Business and Services Performance".
Innovation is very important for BUMD. Because, if innovation is transmitted, of course encourage other BUMDs to continue to grow. BUMD is an asset belonging to the local government (local government). And if all of them continue to be innovative, of course BUMD is not just a regional asset.
"But it is also an asset of the Indonesian nation. Because they support equitable development for advanced Indonesia. Thus, problems such as poverty and others are easier to solve because of the role of BUMD," said Lutfi.
Lutfi added that the TOP BUMD Awards activities were held to support the implementation of Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, which regulates the purpose and purpose of the establishment of BUMD, and Government Regulation (PP) No. 54 of 2017 concerning BUMD, which regulates how to manage BUMD.
In his remarks, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Sandiaga S. Uno, asked BUMD to continue to be highly enthusiastic for the revival of the national economy further.
"In order to develop the creative economy in Indonesia, we strengthen the synergy between BUMD and other institutions, such as BUMN, private parties, and the participation of the Regional Government as well. And it needs a program that is right on target, right benefits, and on time," said Sandi.
Meanwhile, Dr. Drs. Agus Fatoni, MSi, Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs, emphasized the importance of BUMD serving the public. The thing that needs to be done is first, developing business activities to increase revenue and strengthen the real sector. Second, increasing and focusing on superior BUMD products that become regional powers. Third, encouraging the regional economy to facilitate business access as widely as possible, especially for MSME business actors, ultra micro and other small businesses.
Then fourth, BUMD needs to have superior products that are widely known and widely used by the community. Fifth, expand the distribution network, and finally the sixth, maximize the role of BUMD as a public service release and driving economy in the regions as well as PAD contributors.
The Top BUMD Awards 2023 is a continuation of a similar award for previous years. The Top BUMD Awards 2023 was attended by 208 BUMDs out of a total of around 1,056 BUMDs in Indonesia. Or an increase of 14.2 percent, compared to 2022 which was 182 BUMDs. This number is BUMDs that take part in the complete assessment process, including judging interviews.
"Top BUMD Awards, God willing, is the largest BUMD award activity in Indonesia. Top BUMD Awards activities are held annually by Top Business Magazine, since 2016. The implementation in 2023 is the 8th implementation," said Lutfi.
Meanwhile, in his remarks at the event, the Chairperson of the 2023 BUMD Awards Top Jury, Prof. Dr. Djohermansyah Djohan, MA, explained the assessment criteria used in the award.
The main criterion of the assessment by the 2023 Top BUMD Awards Jury, refers to four important aspects of determining the level of the award star from Star 1 to the highest, namely 5 Stars.
First, aspects of achieving its business performance, both good and sustainable (or aviation). Here, there are several criteria, such as: having financial performance, human capital, marketing, and good customer service; the achievement of its performance, leads to the achievement of its BUMD vision and mission; it has good leadership aspects and managerial systems.
Then the second aspect is BUMD which continues to make improvements (or Improvements). In this aspect, the assessment criteria used are whether BUMDs have business innovations in general; there are efforts to improve system/business processes; improve operational/business efficiency and effectiveness, supported by technology.
While the third, is the aspect of contribution in regional development. The criterion is that BUMD has a role in improving the economy/social welfare/public services to local communities; support the Regional Government program and/or Central Government Program in the regions; contribute to PAD deposits (for BUMDs that are purely profit-oriented).
And the fourth aspect, is BUMD's innovation to support the BUMD business to grow sustainably.
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