
Kimia Farma through one of its brands, "Macks" Teens, held a "Ramadhan Boarding School" activity at Al Alamanah Al Gontory Islamic Boarding School. The "Pesantren Ramadan" activity is a routine activity run by Marcks'Teens every year in Ramadan.

Previously, this activity ran at 50 Islamic boarding schools and this year it was held at 100 Islamic boarding schools throughout Indonesia.

Chairani Harahap, Commercial Director of PT Kimia Farma Tbk said, this activity is a form of concern for Marcks' Teens to support students, especially women's students, to always prioritize personal hygiene.

"Women's students are given education and sharing with skin specialists regarding skin problems and how to maintain and care for the skin to stay healthy, especially when we are fasting. Not only education, in this activity skin checks and experience products are also carried out at the Marcks booth. Teens," he said in a written statement, Sunday, March 2.

As is known, said Chairani, cleanliness is part of faith. This means that in life must maintain the cleanliness of birth and innerness.

Maintaining personal hygiene, especially for special female students, is something that needs to be done. At this time, students enter adolescence which is a phase of hormonal changes, many problems that will arise and one of them is problems related to the skin which causes reduced self-confidence which will have an impact on social relations and the surrounding environment.

To accompany the process of change, Kimia Farma presents Brands for teenagers, namely 'Macks' Teens as friends and solutions in dealing with all skin problems at a young age. Products of 'Macks' Teens are produced using ingredient content such as Vitamin B3/Niacinamide, Tea Tree, Green Tea, Centela Asiatica, Chamomile Extract, a natural WHetchguler, safe, comfortable and of course the HALAL that will take care of the skin to be healthy and nutritious, "explained Chairani.

This activity is expected to provide positive benefits and make the Marchs'Teens' #First Choice for the younger generation of Indonesia in maintaining skin health.

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