
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) will destroy 7,000 bales of used imported clothes. This destruction is not the first time, it has previously been carried out in East Java, Tangerang to Pekanbaru.

This step is a follow-up to President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) direction because it is considered disturbing the domestic industry.

Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan said the use of used imports that will be destroyed tomorrow is very large, reaching Rp80 billion.

"I have several times in Pekanbaru, East Java, Tangerang, tomorrow with more than 7,000 bal Bareskrim. The value may reach Rp80 billion tomorrow," he told reporters at the Kemenkop UKM, Jakarta, Monday, March 27.

Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, ensured that the 7,000 bales of imported clothing were items that entered through the rat route.

"Because the rules are not allowed, so the entry is illegal. It's not allowed, the second is illegal. That's what we destroy. We confiscate and destroy. What is now rampant are used clothes. That's what we are doing," he explained.

Zulhas said, used imported goods were prohibited from entering Indonesia such as clothes, bags, sepati, air conditioning, used refrigerators. However, some are excluded.

"Import aircraft, we need fighter aircraft. If it's just expensive, F4, F16, it's okay. Allowed but with eligibility conditions. But in general (importing used goods) is not allowed," he said.

Previously reported, the government continues to strive to curb imports of used clothes entering Indonesia. This step was taken as an effort to save the domestic industry. Even so, the government provides concessions for individual traders who sell imported clothing.

The Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki, emphasized that the government will not take action against imported clothing traders. However, prosecution will be directed at perpetrators of smuggling imported clothing or textile products.

Teten explained that sellers of imported products illegally have legal consequences. However, because textile industry players are micro-class business actors, the government takes a compromise attitude.

"It is emphasized that for traders, retailers, resellers of clothing used for illegal imports, we do not do repression, different from drugs. Moreover, in this fasting month they still have to find sustenance," said Teten, at the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs office, Jakarta, Monday, March 27.

"Yes, we have a compromise there. What we agreed with the Ministry of Trade, we will tighten it so that smuggling continues to enter," he continued.

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