
JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) Daily, Tulus Abadi, believes that the fluctuating price of non-subsidized fuel oil or non-Public Service Obligations will become commonplace for consumers of non-subsidized fuel, relevant to world crude oil prices.

Moreover, non-Public Service Obligation (PSO) BBM is quality BBM, with a higher RON (research octane number) value than subsidized BBM. Fuel with a high RON actually benefits consumers more because it has a higher calorie content.

"And of course, it's more environmentally friendly, because it produces lower emissions than subsidized fuel," said Tulus in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, February 28.

He said the government's plan to ensure that PT Pertamina (Persero) could impose fluctuating non-subsidized fuel pricing was considered reasonable and in accordance with regulations so that there would be no obstacle to not implementing it. The sale of non-subsidized or non-PSO fuel is the domain of business entities, both private operators and Pertamina, to review prices.

"I think this is relevant to the spirit of the law on BUMN, especially if the price of non-PSO fuel is still below the basic cost," said Tulus Abadi.

Tulus said that the government has set assignments BBM or PSO BBM, such as Pertalite and Solar. It is this type of PSO fuel whose price is intervened by the government as the regulator.

"The goal is to maintain the purchasing power of consumers. To support this policy, the government is willing to disburse fuel subsidies," he said.

He emphasized that in setting prices fluctuating, Pertamina was able to guarantee supply and quality for the interests and rights of consumers.

"After all, non-PSO BBM users are the type of consumers whose purchasing power is better than PSO BBM users," he explained.

Meanwhile, Center of Reform on Economics (Core) economist Piter Abdullah believes that the public basically already knows information about the different types of fuel and their prices. The dynamics that occur in society should be dealt with swiftly.

"Non-subsidized fuel is the same as other goods that go up and down, there is no problem. What's important is that no one just imports it. Make it a political issue to attack the government. As long as subsidized fuel is not increased, it's not a problem," said Piter.

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