
JAKARTA - The government has not announced the policy of providing electric vehicle incentives to the public.

However, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif, said that this announcement would be made soon and he asked the public to be patient.

"Kendaraan listrik masih dalam pembahasan. Sebenar lagi ya, bersih," ujarnya kepada media di Jakarta yang dikutip Senin, 13 Februari.

Arifin said that at this time his party was still finalizing a number of technical policies and rules in providing incentives for electric vehicles.

He added that currently, Indonesia has a population of 120 million motorized vehicles, which if converted, will be able to reduce the consumption of fuel oil (BBM).

"We have 120 million motorized vehicles. With conversion we can electrify, the better for this country. So fuel consumption decreases and oil also drops, foreign exchange can be used to build others," continued the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

According to him, later the government will encourage the conversion of fossil fuel vehicles into battery-based vehicles because they have a better economic scale.

Arifin said that the conversion of motorized vehicles is designed to maximize the capabilities and potential of the domestic component industry and will also involve MSME workshops.

"Because motorbikes are scattered everywhere and there must be many workshops. That's what we educate so that they can have the ability to be able to organize," added Arifin.

Previously, on January 31, Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Rida Mulyana revealed that the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif, was holding an inter-ministerial coordination meeting to discuss incentives for electric vehicles with the Minister of Transportation and the Coordinator for Maritime Affairs and Investment.

Rida said that later the distribution of the task of providing incentives for new motorized vehicles would be carried out by the Ministry of Industry and for conversion-resolved motorized vehicles would be handled by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"Division of tasks like this, the new one, distribution of incentives is carried out by the Ministry of Industry. Meanwhile, those that convert through us," explained Rida.

Regarding the details of the distribution of incentives through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Rida said that currently her party is finalizing all preparations so that it will make it easier for users.

"Because the recipients of the incentives and this is public money, it needs to be very careful so that they can be accounted for," concluded Rida.

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