
JAKARTA – The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) started the Patimban Access Toll Road construction project to improve connectivity in West Java and expedite the logistics flow of the Karawang and Subang industrial areas to Patimban Port.

The commencement of this project was marked by the signing of the Toll Road Concession Agreement (PPJT), the Guarantee Agreement, and the Patimban Access Toll Road Regress Agreement.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that all relevant parties, including the central government, regional governments, and BUJTs, must work faster so that the target for operating the Patimban Access Toll Road in September 2024 can be achieved.

Basuki asked that the land acquisition process, especially for the government's portion of work, be carried out starting at the end of January.

"Apart from accelerating physical development, I beg you to pay attention to quality. In the next two years, quality, aesthetics, and environmental sustainability must be prioritized, including the Domestic Component Level (TKDN). Must use domestic products, not imports," he said in his written statement, Wednesday, January 25.

Head of BPJT Danang Parikesit added, the work on the portion of government support is carried out simultaneously and is planned to be completed simultaneously with the BUJT portion.

"Construction of the BUJT portion of the toll road is planned to begin in Semester 2 of 2023 and is expected to be operational by the end of 2024," he said.

For your information, the Patimban Access Toll Road has a total length of 37.05 km, of which 14.11 km will be built by BUJT and 22.94 km will be built by the government.

This toll road will be connected to the Cikampek-Palimanan Toll Road on the south side and connected to Patimban Port on the north side.

There are 5 sections, including Section 1 Junction Cipeundeuy-SS Cipeundeuy (2.65 km), Section 2 SS Cipeundeuy-SS Pasir Bungur (10.06 km), Section 3 SS Pasir Bungur-SS Tambak Dahan (16.10 km), Section 4 SS Tambak Dahan-SS Pusakanegara (7.11 km), and Section 5 SS Pusakanegara-Patimban (1.13 km).

While the signing of the Patimban Access Toll Road PPJT was carried out by the Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the PUPR Ministry Danang Parikesit and the Main Director of the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) PT Jasamarga Access Patimban (JAP) Victor Nazarenko Mahandre.

PT JAP is a consortium of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)-Private-Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) that won the tender for the construction of the Patimban Access Toll Road consisting of PT Jasa Marga, PT Nusa Raya Cipta (NRC), PT Adhi Karya (ADHI), PT PP, PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA), and PT Subang Sejahtera.

Then, the signing of two other agreements, namely the Guarantee Agreement was carried out by the Main Director of PT Penjaminan dan Infrastructure Indonesia M Wahid Sutopo and the Main Director of PT JAP Victor Nazarenko Mahandre, and the Regres Agreement was carried out by PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono and PT PII President Director M Wahid Sutopo.

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