
JAKARTA - Perum Bulog West Nusa Tenggara is dispensing as much as 100 tons of medium-quality rice per day in order to maintain price stability for these basic commodities at the consumer level.

"We are again pouring rice into markets throughout NTB to maintain price stability for medium rice, an average of 100 tons per day," said Regional Head of the National Logistics Agency for National Logistics Agency (BULOG) NTB Abdul Muis Sayyed Ali in Mataram, NTB, as quoted from Antara, Wednesday 25 January.

He said that based on the instructions from the Central Bureau of Logistics, the supply of rice had to be ensured smoothly, especially in markets registered by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and directly to traders in the market.

In addition, through the Rumah Pangan Kita (RPK) network, prices reaching consumers are controlled to the maximum at the highest retail price (HET) of IDR 9,450 per kilogram (kg).

Muis added that the implementation of price stabilization was under joint supervision with the NTB Regional Police Food Task Force (Polda), the NTB Provincial Government, and the district/city governments.

"One of them is through joint monitoring and evaluation on January 18, 2023, namely ensuring that traders can supply, selling prices according to the HET including placing information banners," he said.

He stated that the price of redemption at the Bulog warehouse for traders who buy directly and collect directly at the Bulog warehouse is IDR 8,300/kg.

He invited people who want to sell Bulog rice to follow the procedures, meet the requirements, and sell with the maximum HET.

Muis also emphasized that if there are Bulog officials who try to play with the price of rice, let alone sell above the HET, they will be dealt with firmly.

"If a Bulog officer is playing, please report it, we will give strict sanctions according to the provisions in force at Perum Bulog," he said.

Meanwhile, traders in traditional markets claim that they have been greatly helped by the Bulog's food supply and price stabilization program (SPHP), because people can get what they need at affordable prices when the price of rice on the market has increased.

"The purchase price directly from the Bulog warehouse is IDR 8,300/kg and I sell it for IDR 9,000/kg. I have been a Bulog customer for a long time and also sell other Bulog products, such as sugar and cooking oil," said Masriah, a trader at the Kebon Roek Traditional Market, Mataram City.

The same thing was said by Nur, one of the outlets for Bulog rice traders at Jelojok Kopang Market, Central Lombok Regency. She admitted that she bought rice from the Bulog warehouse because the price at the mill was very high.

"The purchase price at the Bulog warehouse itself is IDR 8,300/kg with the condition of picking it up yourself. Then I will sell it back according to the maximum HET of IDR 9,450/kg," she said.

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