
PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) signed the Main Agreement or Head of Agreement with PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (PT IIF) regarding the application of the Environmental, Social and Governance Manual (LST) or often called Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).

The signing was carried out by the President Director of PT Angkasa Pura I Faik Fahmi and the President Director of PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance Reynaldi Hermansjah on Saturday, November 12.

AP I President Director Faik Fahmi explained that the signing was a follow-up step for PT Angkasa Pura I and PT IIF related to the plan to implement ESG. "We view that the implementation of ESG within the scope of PT Angkasa Pura I is important, namely the positive impact on the environment, social and business governance, very appropriate and in line with the Company's mission," he said, Sunday, November 13.

Faik explained that the application of ESG principles within the scope of AP I is in line with the current transformation program.

According to Faik, this will also increase the positive image of the company in the eyes of investors.

The scope of this Head of Agreement is related to planning and consulting studies in the implementation of ESG in Angkasa Pura I.

Faik said, this collaboration is also a series of launches of ESG Framework and Manual: Journey to ESG Implementation for Infrastructure Financing in Indonesia which is a collaboration between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia and PT IIF.

The signing ceremony was also attended directly by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani. Also present was the Commissioner of PT Angkasa Pura I Danang Parikesit, and Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Angkasa Pura I Yudi Rizkyardie Darun.

Separately, the Head of the Communications and Information Services Bureau of the Ministry of Finance Rahayu said this agreement marked that PT. IIF will be PT AP I's ESG advisor in building and establishing the ESG framework as part of the transformation of PT AP I.

"The signing of this agreement also shows that the Ministry of Finance and its policy tools are committed and ready to implement the ESG aspect in its business process. Through IIF, this framework is encouraged to various projects in Indonesia through administrative services," said Puspa in his official statement, quoted on Sunday, November 13.

Puspa explained that the preparation and implementation of the ESG policy in the support and facilities of the government for infrastructure financing is a concrete form of the Ministry of Finance contributing to the achievement of the sustainable development agenda and climate change targets.

"This ESG policy needs to be seen as an opportunity to be able to improve the benefits of infrastructure development and open wider access to private financing," he said.

The preparation of this ESG is the result of good cooperation between the Ministry of Finance and multinational institutions and BUMN under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance which is the implementation of the preparation and implementation of KPBU project transactions.

This effort is the Ministry of Finance's commitment to continue to pay attention to environmental, social, and good governance aspects in infrastructure investment.

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