
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said FIFA is ready to assist the Indonesian government in transforming Indonesian football.

In fact, FIFA President Gianni Infantino will visit Indonesia.

"October 18, the President of FIFA will be here (Indonesia) to meet with Mr. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to agree on several things and we hope that the meeting will produce good results," Erick said in Jakarta, Monday, October 10.

The former president of Inter Milan said that FIFA will also have an office in Indonesia to ensure the transformation process of Indonesian football can run optimally.

However, Erick has not been able to confirm the length of time FIFA has been based in Indonesia.

"I don't know how long, as long as the transformation they form has been going on, then they go away, it could be three months, six months, or forever," said Erick.

Erick assessed that the good intentions of FIFA and the Indonesian government in improving Indonesian football should be appreciated.

According to him, this is a golden opportunity for Indonesia to improve the governance of Indonesian football.

Erick said this effort required the support of all parties, from clubs, supporters, security, and television stations.

He also reminded that the Kanjuruhan tragedy should not be repeated. Indonesia must learn lessons from the tragedy and become a momentum for improving football governance in this country.

"If we want transformation, this must be comprehensive. This is a heartbreaking tragedy that erodes our hearts, it must not happen again. This is a very heavy lesson for Indonesian football and the nation," he said.

Erick said that Gianni also admitted that he was devastated by this incident.

Gianni, said Erick, had a positive impression of football since he was a child, but this is very different from what happened in Kanjuruhan.

"The FIFA president told his parents that when he was a child his parents invited him to watch football, it was a great joy, but imagine Erick, if the joy that should have happened was actually what we are experiencing now," said Erick.

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