
JAKARTA - Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Perry Warjiyo, stated that the potential of the world's sharia economy is very large and has not been fully exploited optimally.

This then makes many countries take part to be able to empower this sector to achieve increased welfare.

According to Perry, the development of the Islamic economy, especially the halal industry, is no longer monopolized by the Islamic state.

Moreover, many countries that are not Muslim majority are involved in the sharia sector.

"The halal economy is not only about religious issues because it is part of a business model that has gone global", he also said when speaking at the 9th Indonesia Islamic Economic Forum on Friday, October 7.

Perry explained that several non-Muslim countries that have managed to take advantage of the momentum are known to stretch from Asia to South America.

“Countries that are not Muslim are now major players in the halal economy and finance, such as Korea, Japan, Thailand, Australia, China, and even Brazil are exporters. So this is not a matter of Islam or not Islam", he said.

Perry added, the phenomenon cannot be separated from the demand factor which is increasing day by day.

“Muslims around the world need is increasing. This is what makes halal food, halal fashion, and permits continue to develop", he said.

This factor also makes Indonesia quite concerned about pushing the issue of Islamic economics and finance to become an important part of the G20 Presidency for the 2022 period.

"Financial inclusion and a green economy are Indonesia's priority agenda at the G20", he added.

Previously, Perry had revealed that Indonesia is currently one of the main players in the global Islamic economy.

This indication can be seen from the achievements of Indonesia, which ranks second in terms of the halal food and beverage industry, and ranks third in terms of Muslim fashion.

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