
JAKARTA - The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Gudang Garam Tbk resulted in several decisions, including the distribution of dividends and the appointment of the board of directors.

In a Gudang Garam press release, quoted on Friday July 1, the company owned by conglomerate Susilo Wonowidjojo will distribute an annual dividend of IDR 4.3 trillion to shareholders in the 2021 financial year. However, this value is slightly smaller than the dividend given in the previous year.

"Approved the use of part of the company's profit for the 2021 financial year amounting to IDR 4.329.198.000.000 as dividends," explained Gudang Garam management.

So that the amount of dividends distributed to shareholders is IDR 2.250 for each share. The amount of dividends received last year was IDR 5.002.628.800.000 or IDR 2.600 per share.

Profits that are not shared will be included in the retained earnings account which will be used to increase the working capital of the company. The GMS which was held at the Grand Surya Hotel Jalan Doho number 95, Kediri City also approved the appointment of Indra Gunawan Wonowidjojo as Vice President Director of the Company and Slamet Budiono as Director of the Company.

Thus, there was a change in the composition of the directors of the issuer codenamed GGRM, from the previous seven to nine people.

The following is the composition of the Commissioners and Directors of PT Gudang Garam Tbk. the new one:

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner: Juni Setiawati Wonowidjojo

Commissioner: Lucas Mulia Suhardja

Independent Commissioner: Frank Willem van Gelder

Independent Commissioner: Gotama Hengdratsonata

Board of Directors

President Director: Susilo Wonowidjojo

Vice President Director: Indra Gunawan Wonowidjojo

Director: Heru Budiman

Director: Herry Susianto

Director: Istata Taswin Siddharta

Director: Andik Wahyudi

Director: Hamdhany Halim

Director: Slamet Budiono

Independent Director: Sony Sasono Rahmady

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