
JAKARTA - Three weeks after being summoned by the Sumedang Regency Civil Service Police Unit, it turns out that PT DFT has not yet been able to show a permit to collect water in the Lebak Lewang Block, Sindanggalih Village, Cimanggung District, Sumedang, West Java. In fact, based on Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration, the maximum period of 14 days for a permit approval application.

"Nothing yet, there should be results. Based on Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration, the application for licensing approval as SOP from the Ministry is a maximum of 14 days, it can be approved or rejected," said the Head of the Enforcement of Regional Laws and Regulations, Sumedang Regency Satpol PP, Yan Mahal Rizzal, in his statement, quoted Wednesday, June 29.

For this reason, according to Rizzal, the Civil Service Police Unit of Sumedang Regency continues to monitor and prohibit PT DFT from using springs in the Lewang Block, Cimanggung District, Sumedang Regency, West Java.

"It was not taken for the water before. However, please process the permit related to the decision that will be issued by the ministry regarding water resources. Meanwhile, the supervision is carried out by villages, sub-districts, and districts," added Rizzal.

According to Rizzal, the Sumedang Satpol PP will wait for the permit letter to obtain clarity on the permit location for the use of the spring so that the community can get certainty.

"From us, it's only limited to that, follow up with supervision and observation of administrative and field data. As for APH activities beyond our capabilities, according to their respective authorities," he said.

Previously, about three weeks ago, the Sumedang Regency Satpol PP did summon PT DFT. Summons related to alleged violations of water extraction permits in the spring area. During the summons, PT DFT could not show a permit in the Lebak Lewang Block, Sindanggalih Village, Cimanggung District. In fact, according to residents' information, water extraction in the Lebak Lewang Block has been carried out on a massive scale starting in 2016.

At that time Rizal explained, according to the rules, as long as the permit has not been issued, of course there should not be any activities for taking springs. If it continues to operate, of course, the authorities from the ministry and the police can give strict sanctions. In fact, it can be threatened with fines and penalties.

"Based on Law Number 17 of 2019 concerning Water Resources, fines and imprisonment can be imposed. However, the authority is not with the Satpol PP," Rizzal continued at the time.

The alleged case did attract public attention. And in fact, it has become a national issue. This is because the alleged violation is not limited to taking water without a permit. In addition, PT DFT is also suspected of selling water to industries commercially without a permit.

Several parties have voiced that the case should be resolved as soon as possible. Among them were DPR RI member TB Hasanuddin, Deputy Speaker of the MPR Hidayat Nur Wahid, WALHI West Java, Director of the Center of Reform on Economics (CORE) Indonesia Piter Abdullah, Trisakti University public policy expert Trubus Rahadiansyah, and Trisakti University law expert Yenti Garnasih.

In fact, a West Java figure who is also a former member of Commission III of the DPR, Deding Ishak Ibnu Sudja, also urged that the alleged case be immediately processed by law. Moreover, the case is also suspected to have the potential to harm state finances.

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