
JAKARTA - The plantation company belonging to the conglomerate TP Rachmat, PT Triputra Agro Persada Tbk (TAPG) will distribute dividends of IDR 496.31 billion for the 2021 financial year. The dividend distribution has been approved at the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM).

The dividend of IDR 496.31 billion covers 41 percent of the company's net profit in 2021 of IDR 1.19 trillion. Thus, the value of the dividend per share given is IDR 25.

President Director of Triputra Agro Persada Tjandra Karya Hermanto said, in addition to the approval of the use of net profit, the AGMS also discussed the issue that the proceeds from the initial public offering obtained by TAPG had been used entirely by the company.

"The public offering funds have been used in accordance with the planned use of the public offering funds listed in the Public Offering Prospectus and have been submitted to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) as a fulfillment of OJK Regulations concerning the Report on the Realization of the Use of Proceeds from the Public Offering," he explained, quoted from an official statement, Wednesday, May 25.

Triputra Agro Persada has also budgeted a capital expenditure (capex) of IDR 570 billion for 2022. Tjandra said the spending funds were allocated for both planting and other operational support activities.

In detail, as much as 61 percent of the capex is used for various purposes such as road construction and housing in factory supporting facilities. Meanwhile, as much as 19 percent is used for the construction of palm oil mills (PKS) in East Kalimantan.

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