
JAKARTA - Perum BULOG ensures that the supply and prices of food such as frozen meat, sugar and other commodities remain stable after the 2022 Eid holiday. Bulog has also issued instructions to all levels to prepare stocks of food commodities which are the responsibility of BULOG so that they are always available in the community after this Eid holiday.

"BULOG ensures that the food needs currently stored in our warehouses throughout Indonesia are always available in the community and we will use all existing instruments to ensure the availability of food," said BULOG President Director Budi Waseso at a press conference at the Head Office. Perum BULOG, Tuesday, May 10.

The man who is familiarly called Buwas said that currently the amount of rice stock stored in BULOG warehouses throughout Indonesia is approximately 1 million tons, this is a safe limit according to the government's assignment, which is 1 to 1.5 million tons.

However, Buwas continued, because it is still in the harvest period, the stock figure will continue to increase because BULOG is still absorbing farmers' crops.

"For the main commodity that we control, namely rice, the amount is very safe, there are 1 million tons, plus currently BULOG is still procuring unhulled rice for farmers throughout Indonesia and so far we have absorbed as much as 256 thousand tons. So this rice stock will continue to grow ," he said.

Budi Waseso ensures that BULOG will carry out the assignments given by the Government to the maximum.

"With the strength of the infrastructure facilities owned by BULOG coupled with the experience of distributing various social assistances, BULOG is ready to carry out the assignments given," he said.

In addition to carrying out the assignment of providing frozen buffalo meat to meet the community's need for meat, Perum BULOG also helps distribute cooking oil through commercial schemes.

"This activity is expected to help reduce the price of bulk cooking oil until it reaches the price expected by the government," he said.

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