
JAKARTA - The Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance reported that as of March 31, 2022, the value of assets that the government has secured from Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) evaders has reached IDR 19.1 trillion.

Director of State Asset Management and Information Systems DJKN Ministry of Finance, Purnama T. Sianturi, said the value consisted of collateral or other assets of IDR 12.2 trillion, in the form of ownership of property assets of IDR 5.3 trillion, and in the form that was controlled by the ministry/institution or other assets. local government IDR 1.1 trillion.

"Meanwhile, in the form of cash that goes into the state treasury as PNBP (Non-Tax State Revenue) of IDR 371.2 billion", he said when speaking to reporters online on Friday, April 22.

Purnama explained that the total value of the BLBI cases being pursued by the state from obligors and debtors reached Rp110 trillion.

This figure has been identified in the form of credit assets of IDR 101 trillion, property assets of IDR 8 trillion, the form of shares of IDR 77 billion, inventory assets of IDR 8 billion, and marketable assets of IDR 489 billion, and Nostro assets of IDR 5.2 billion.

"To focus on work, the priority is to prioritize obligors and debtors who have obligations (debts) of IDR 25 billion and above", Sri Mulyani's subordinate continued.

Meanwhile, the number of obligors and debtors who meet these criteria reaches more than 200 people. From this number, it was narrowed down to 46 people who were considered to have the largest debt.

Meanwhile, in its implementation, only about 25 obligors/debtors have been successfully collected or have their assets confiscated.

To note, the book of assets of the former BLBI which was successfully controlled by the state in the first three months of this year jumped from the final record of 2021 which amounted to IDR 9.8 trillion.

The collection of these assets is carried out by the BLBI Task Force which was formed directly by President Joko Widodo in June 2021 as stipulated in Presidential Decree Number 6 of 2021 concerning the Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for BLBI Funds.

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