
JAKARTA - The government through the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani submitted a report on the management of the 2022 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

In her presentation, the Minister of Finance revealed that until March the state budget posture was still on a positive track with a budget surplus of IDR 10.3 trillion. This result also extends the record state budget surplus since last January.

It should be noted that the surplus last month was formed from the higher state revenue of IDR 501 trillion compared to state expenditure of IDR 490.6 trillion.

"That's the story about our state budget until March 2022, which of course should not make us complacent because even though the results are very good, the risk is still high," she said through a virtual channel from Washington DC on Wednesday morning, April 20, Indonesian time.

The Minister of Finance added that the steady increase in state revenue was supported by the revenue sector, all of which experienced growth. In detail, tax revenues grew 38.4 percent (year-on-year/yoy) in March 2022 to IDR 401.8 trillion from the same period the previous year of IDR 290.4 trillion.

This tax revenue itself consists of tax revenues which rose 41.4 percent yoy to IDR 322.5 trillion and customs and excise taxes which rose 27.3 percent yoy to IDR 79.3 trillion.

Meanwhile, for other sectors, namely Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP), it was recorded that it recorded IDR 99.1 trillion or 11.8 percent higher than March 2021 which amounted to IDR 88.6 trillion.

"Strong revenue not only illustrates the windfall from commodities but also a fairly solid and even economic recovery," she said.

Meanwhile, on the state spending side, there was a 6.2 percent yoy contraction from the previous IDR 523 trillion in March 2021 to IDR 490.6 trillion in March 2022.

State spending consists of central government spending of IDR 314.2 trillion and local government spending in the form of Transfers to Regions and Village Funds (TKDD) of IDR 176.5 trillion.

"State spending still needs to be boosted again because it experienced a contraction compared to last year," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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