
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) supplies electricity needs of 170 MVA to the mineral processing and refining facility (smelter) owned by PT Freeport Indonesia located in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Gresik, East Java.

The provision of electricity by PLN to PT Freeport Indonesia through PT BKMS is carried out in four stages, the first stage is 30 MVA in September 2023, the second stage is 60 MVA on 26 December 2023, the third stage is 110 MVA in March 2024 and the fourth stage is 170 MVA. in June 2024.

The President Director of PT BKMS, Bambang Soetiono Soedijanto, said that the entry of PLN electricity into the Java Integrated Industrial & Ports Estate (JIIPE) area has further increased investor confidence in being able to invest in Indonesia. This collaboration can be a showcase for the business world that the electricity supply at JIIPE is reliable and plentiful.

"Of course, the presence of electricity from PLN can increase the competitiveness of the industry and can also invite other industries to join JIIPE," said Bambang, quoted Tuesday, March 15.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia, Tony Wenas, explained that finally Freeport used PLN's electricity because the price of electricity was competitive so that it could streamline factory operations in the future.

"It turns out that using PLN electricity is not too expensive either. This is also our step to take advantage of the excess electricity capacity in East Java," said Tony.

The electricity supply for PT Freeport Indonesia's smelter is supplied through two 150 kV subsystems, namely the Krian 3.4 subsystem and the Ngimbang subsystem with 2 circuits each. In this PJBTL, PT Freeport Indonesia's smelter becomes a premium platinum electricity customer.

In supporting the provision of electricity supply from green energy, PLN has the latest product, namely the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC). Where 1 REC unit represents 1 MWh of new renewable energy at a plant within a certain time. This program can be utilized by industry players who contribute to the use of environmentally friendly electricity.

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