
JAKARTA - To manage mineral and coal commodities that are integrated from upstream to downstream, the Government has launched a Mineral and Coal Information System (SIMBARA) portal.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves), Luhut B. Pandjaitan said that the launch of this system was a good momentum because it made Indonesia more integrated into its work.

"Today we will add coal. Soon we will also include other minerals, such as nickel. I think this will help the Finance Minister's coffers," said Luhut, in his remarks, Tuesday, March 8.

As a first step, he continued, currently, the target data flow required by each agency in the licensing process has flowed from upstream to downstream. Data on State Revenue Transaction Number (NTPN) and Verification Result Report (LHV) are the main data that will be used as verification tools in granting export permits, starting from the issuance of Surveyor Reports, issuance of Notification of Export of Goods (PEB) to issuance of Sailing Approval Letters (SPB).

"There are still various anomalies and irregularities from the incoming raw data from various Ministries/Institutions that were not previously integrated," he added.

Irregularities include allegations of improper use of NTPN, NTPN filled in but not valid, NTPN filled in from the final NTPN type (payment), NTPN not being filled in and valid NTPN but in the wrong format.

"I ask the technical team to immediately follow up on data analysis and corrections as well as confirmation of the consequences if it is confirmed that the irregularities are fraudulent," said Coordinating Minister Luhut.

SIMBARA development has also identified gaps prone to corruption and at the same time closed them with various new mechanisms. The implementation of SIMBARA is also directly proportional to efforts to strengthen supervision, so that law enforcement on various obligations of business actors will directly contribute to the optimization of state revenues.

"From the government side, the benefits of SIMBARA will be to realize the effectiveness of supervision, accurate data recon, good governance, so as to create the ultimate goal of efficiency and service effectiveness by implementing Single Input," he explained.

SIMBARA's successful integration has only been applied to coal sales licensing, both export and domestic. In the future, it is also necessary to apply to other mineral commodities such as nickel and bauxite.

"I ask that the beginning of this good history be completed so that all regulatory adjustments, business processes, and changes in management and strengthening of institutions can be completed properly. I also ask the Head of the KPK and the National Strategy for Corruption Prevention to continue to oversee and provide supervision over the management of natural resources in Indonesia," said Coordinating Minister Luhut.

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