
JAKARTA - The company owned by conglomerate TP Rachmat, PT Tri Adi Bersama (Anteraja) which is a subsidiary of PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk (ASSA) develops innovations in order to provide convenience for customers.

In line with this, Anteraja has launched a payment system using the Cash on Delivery (COD) method or commonly known as the COD payment system.

Currently, Anteraja's COD payment system is available on marketplace platforms such as Tokopedia and Shopee. In the future, Anteraja will expand its services by entering other marketplaces, in line with Anteraja's plan which will also present this feature on the BisnisAja platform to meet COD needs for socio sellers.

Anteraja's VP of Sales & Marketing Andri Hidayat said that his party will continue to innovate and continue to expand amidst the growing competition in the express delivery service industry.

"Through this new service with the COD payment system, it is hoped that it will make it easier and more comfortable for our customers to use Anteraja's services," Andri said in a written statement, quoted Monday, February 21.

He added that currently, payments with the COD system are already present on the marketplace platform, and will continue to develop so that these features are also available on non-marketplace platforms.

How to use the COD payment system on Anteraja is very easy, namely, customers can shop in the marketplace, and choose items that can be paid for using the COD payment method. After the order is completed, Satria (Anteraja courier) will come according to the delivery duration that has been selected by the customer at the time of placing the order.

Next, Satria will bring the package and charge the price of the goods and shipping costs that need to be paid by the customer. After the payment is complete, the package will be handed over to the customer.

In addition, Anteraja also continues to expand in order to expand services in order to capture market opportunities amidst the online shopping habit by the public. Where this year, Anteraja is in the process of expanding the development and addition of services, one of which is the provision of cargo services.

Andri also added, along with restrictions on mobility outside the home by the government, it has influenced people's habits in shopping using the online system. This also affects the volume of shipments via Anteraja, which continues to increase.

"At the end of 2021, Anteraja recorded delivery of 1 million parcels per day. We are targeting that by 2022, Anteraja's shipping volume can reach more than 1.5 million parcels per day," concluded Andri.

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