JAKARTA The clash between Jakarta Electric PLN and the newcomer team Yogya Falcons will start the 2025 Proliga competition.
The meeting between the two teams will take place on January 3, 2025 at the Jatidiri Sports Hall, Semarang, Central Java. This event will last until May 11, 2025, in 10 major cities in Indonesia.
In addition to Semarang as the opening location, this event will also be held in Gresik, Malang, Surabaya, Bandung, Pontianak, Palembang, Kediri, Yogyakarta, and Indonesia Arena in Jakarta.
The regular competition will take place in January and February 2025. After that, the Final Four to Grand Final matches will be held after Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.
Proliga 2025 will certainly be attended by five men's teams and seven daughters. The five men's teams consist of Jakarta LavAni Transmart, Jakarta Bhayangkara Presisi, Palembang Bank SumselBabel, Jakarta Garuda Jaya, and Surabaya Samator.
Then in the women's sector there are Jakarta Electric PLN, Jakarta Popsivo Polwan, Jakarta Pertamina Energi, Jakarta Livin Mandiri, Bandung bjb Tandamata, Gresik Petrokimia Pupuk Infonesia, and Yogya Falcons.
The total number of participants in the coming year is shrinking when compared to the 2024 season competition. You see, some teams did not renew their contracts.
The teams in question are Jakarta STIN BIN, Kudus Sukun Badak, and Jakarta Pertamina Pertamax in the male and Jakarta BIN categories in the women's category.
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