
JAKARTA – The Indonesian badminton team sent a force of 20 players to take part in the prestigious BWF World Junior Mixed Team Championships or the 2023 Junior Mixed Team Badminton World Championship.

The Junior Mixed Team Badminton World Championships for the Suhandinata Cup will take place from September 25 to 30 in Spokane, Washington, United States.

Of the 20 players brought by the Cipayung Youth Team, each consisted of 10 male players and 10 female players. These players were recruited through strict selection in order to realize Indonesia's big ambition of winning the title in this event.

"The team sent is the best force that Indonesia has. Those who are part of the team have won titles at various international events," wrote Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) in a statement.

One of the players brought in was Alwi Farhan. He has previously won several international class tournaments such as Victor Denmark Junior 2019, and Yonex Sunrise Bangladesh International Series 2021.

Apart from that, the other titles he has are the Adidas Alpes International 2022 and the champion title he just won at the Indonesia International Challenge 2023 in Medan a few weeks ago.

Meanwhile, from the women's sector, one of the players taking part was Mutiara Ayu Puspitasari. She previously succeeded in becoming women's singles champion at the 2023 Asian Junior Championships in Yogyakarta.

This strength makes Merah Putih want to bring back the Suhandinata trophy. The last time Indonesia won the Suhandinata Cup was in 2019.

"With good preparation plus the best player material, it is hoped that Indonesia can become champion again and win the Suhandinata Cup. Please support the prayers of the Indonesian people for the struggle of the Young Red-White Team!" said PBSI.

Indonesia will start this year's edition of the event from the Group E phase. Alwi Farhan and his colleagues will meet Estonia, Armenia, Portugal and Georgia.

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