
JAKARTA - PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) officially appointed a new board of directors ahead of the start of the 2023/2024 Liga 1 competition. Ferry Paulus officially remains in the position of president director.

Meanwhile, two former ministers, namely Zainudin Amali (ex Menpora) and Muhammad Lutfi (ex Minister of Trade) were also included in the board of directors. Based on the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of PT LIB, Tuesday, June 21, both of them were included in the board of commissioners.

Amali was plotted as President Commissioner, while Lutfi became an Independent Commissioner.

In addition to the two names, the PT LIB 2023 GMS also appointed Asep Saputra as Director of Operations and also Sadikin Aksa as representative of the PSM Makassar club as a Member of the Commissioner.

The four new names replaced the names previously high-ranking PT LIB such as Sudjarno (Director of Operations), Juni Racham (President Commissioner), Yabes Tanuri (Member of Commissioners), Ponaryo Astaman (Member of Commissioners), Ardian Satyanegara (Member of Commissioners), and Roofi Ardian (Member of Commissioners).

"Direksi bukan wajah baru, tapi sudah sangat gandrung di sepak bola. Misalnya, Asep Saputra Direktur Operasional," kata Direktur Utama PT LIB Ferry Paulus sesuai RUPS.

"I added, how is the transformation related to two former ministers, namely Zainudin Amali as PSSI representatives as well as former Menpora and Muhammad Lutfi, the former Minister of Trade became Independent Commissioners. And representatives of the 2022-2023 Liga 1 champion Sadikin Aksa."

"Changes in directors and commissioners are common in corporations. But what is much more important is that our shared ideals will be realized in the ongoing time. Some of our programs are in accordance with the ideals of Indonesian football," he continued.

Ferry himself was previously reluctant to continue his position as President Director of PT LIB. However, the GMS participants agreed to re-point Ferry as President Director of PT LIB because the 59-year-old man had worked well for six months since replacing Akhmad Hadian Lukita, who was then named a suspect in the Kanjuruhan Tragedy.

"On the board of directors, the President Director of Ferry Paulus. Even though he didn't want to anymore, but he was still willing because according to the meeting participants, what Ferry Paulus has done in recent times has been very good. Bring significant changes to LIB. Therefore, we will force him to want to become president director again," said Zainudin Amali.

Meanwhile, regarding his position at LIB, the 61-year-old man said this was done so that the football roadmap that had been designed by PSSI would continue as planned.

"We want the program in this league to be directly connected and not break up with the national football roadmap. There needs to be a bridge," said Amali.

Furthermore, he also hopes that the new high-ranking officials of PT LIB can bring the Indonesian football competition going well which will later produce quality footballers to improve the achievements of the Indonesian national team.

"Hopefully in the future this will get better. Because one of our goals in holding a competition is to provide playing hours for players and form a strong national team," said Amali.

"Only with the right competition, we can get players for the good national team. That is the meaning of our presence," he continued.

The following are the new directors of PT LIB as a result of the GMS, June 2023:

President Director of PT LIB: Ferry Paulus

Director of PT LIB: Munafri Arifuddin

Director of Operations of PT LIB: Asep Saputra

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner of PT LIB: Zainudin Amali

Independent Commissioner of PT LIB: Muhammad Lutfi

Commissioner of PT LIB : Sadikin Aksa

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