
JAKARTA - OnlyFans star, Charisa Sigala, suffered a heavy blow in her fight in the mixed martial arts or MMA event, BKFC Knucklemania 3, against Jayme Hinshaw, last weekend.

Sigala not only lost the fight. The model in an adult platform also had to suffer a horrible broken leg.

Sigala was shaken at the start of the fight because Hinshaw kept on pressing her. She was then sent to the canvas with a deadly overhand right.

The 38-year-old woman tried to get back up, but soon realized she couldn't do it anymore. Because Sigala's right leg was broken.

The shape of her right foot is not perfect. Amazingly, she tried to put her broken bone back in its original position.

Sigala tried to get up but could not bear the weight on her weak legs. She fell back to the canvas.

The referee did not hesitate to stop the match after seeing Sigala fall on her back.

The fans were quick to comment on the crazy moment. "She deserves a bonus for that move," said one MMA fan.

And others say, "That's hardcore."

"She's trying to really get up. That's a crazy thing, she's ready to keep going," continued another fan.

It is not known how bad Sigala's injuries are. Currently, there has been no recent confirmation from BKFC or Sigala.

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