
JAKARTA - Molly McCann's impressive record in the UFC flyweight division came to a halt at Madison Square Garden. She had to admit the superiority of Erin Blanchfield at UFC 281 which took place in New York, United States, Sunday, November 13, 2022.

Molly faced this match with a capital of two wins in the previous match. She frustrated Luana Carolina and Hannah Goldy.

However, she failed to score a hat trick in 2022 after losing to Blanchfield. This victory was greeted enthusiastically by the American fighter.

"It feels really great. I think this victory is very valuable," she said after the fight.

The 23-year-old fighter also boasted that she had showered Molly with punches. "I was really surprised the referee didn't stop him, I hit so many punches," she said.

"She's still moving, but she's not completely there. I think it could have been stopped earlier."

In that match, Molly put the pressure on early on. However, Blanchfield managed to turn things around.

Blow after blow began to be launched. McCann tried her best to fight Blanchfield, but ended up failing anyway.

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