
JAKARTA - The Indonesian national basketball team continues to prepare for the SEA Games 2023 Cambodia. A total of 20 young players were sent to the United States to forge skills.

The training camp (TC) in Las Vegas begins on October 7 and will end on November 11. TC is concentrated on Impact Basketball.

This is a continuation of a series of preparatory programs that previously took place at the GBK Arena. The exercise in the country has been held since last September 12.

Secretary General of PP Perbasi Nirmala Dewi said that TC in America was carried out to strengthen the ability of individual players and teams. The hope is that these young players can catch up to the level of their seniors when they are combined during the 2023 SEA Games.

"We hope that America will be better and compete with basketball players at Impact, not just those in the national team", said Nirmala Dewi, as reported by Antara.

"When you return to Indonesia, it can be better than before. Hopefully, the SEA Games target is achieved", he continued.

Nirmala Dewi said that the struggle for the Indonesian basketball team at the 2023 SEA Games will be even more difficult. The reason is, the opposing team must have been wary of the power of Indonesia, which made history by winning a gold medal at the previous SEA Games in Hanoi.

"At the Hanoi SEA Games, we got gold, with this achievement will definitely challenge other countries to catch up with Indonesia", he said.

The Secretary General of Perbasi added that the struggle to maintain achievements would be more difficult than getting them. That is the basis for Perbasi to make maximum preparations.

"We are making maximum preparations so that we can maintain what we have achieved and make Indonesia proud", he said.

The following is a list of the names of 20 young players who performed TC in the United States:

1. Yudha Saputera

2. Widyanta Putra Teja

3. Ali Bagir Al Haddar

4. Hendrick Xavi Yonga

5. Yesaya Saudale

6. Mohamad Arighi

7. Antoni Erga

8. Karl Patrick Gloria

9. Ida Bagus Ananta Wisnu Putra

10. Elgi Wimbardi

11. Justin Jaya Wiyanto

12. Erick ibrahim

13. Andrew Lensun

14. Julian Chalias

15. Dame Diagne

16. Serigne Modou Kane

17. Fernando Manansang

18. Daniel Salamena

19. Mohammed Aymane Garudi Arip

20. Rafael Pasha

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