
JAKARTA - The pair Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti donated the 2021 SEA Games gold medal for the Indonesian contingent. They won the women's doubles after defeating the second seed from Thailand, Benyapa Aimsaard/Nuntakarn Aimsaar, in two straight games, with a score of 21-17, 21-14.

This result is beyond expectation. The reason is, Apriyani/Siti Fadia came to Hanoi, Vietnam, without a target considering that the two of them were a new couple. The SEA Games 2021 is the first competition they have participated in since they were paired.

"Honestly, we are not targeting anything because this is the first time we have been united in a competition, let alone a multi-event. First of all, we just want to unite our hearts and patterns of play first," said Apriyani, as reported by Antara.

"How to unite hearts and communicate in the field," continued Apriyani, who was previously paired with Greysia Polii.

For Apriyani, this is the second gold medal at the SEA Games. At the 2019 SEA Games Philippines, Apri also presented gold in women's doubles when paired with Greysia Polii.

At the 2019 Philippines SEA Games, the Indonesian badminton team contributed three gold medals from the men's team, women's doubles and mixed doubles.

Meanwhile, for Siti Fadia, this is the first time. However, it is possible that there will be another gold medal.

In addition to the gold medal, the pair also received a bronze medal. The medal was won after helping the women's team to reach the final. Unfortunately, in the top party, the Indonesian women's team lost to Thailand.

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