
JAKARTA - Yamaha MotoGP racer, Fabio Quartararo, has returned to his residence in France after appearing in the second series of MotoGP 2022 in Mandalika. However, within 24 hours of setting foot in his home country, Quartararo admitted that he could not wait to return to Indonesia.

This was revealed by Quartararo through the latest upload on his Instagram account. After reporting that he arrived in France on Tuesday evening, March 22, Quartararo immediately uploaded several photos showing the moment he was in Mandalika.

The three photos shared by Quartararo show the situation when he greeted the supporters in the stands of the Mandalika Circuit. In this upload, the 22-year-old racer also wrote a thank you to fans in Indonesia who attended and provided support.

Quartararo's warmth and local wisdom while in Mandalika also made him express his desire to return to Indonesia soon.

"Just arrived home and I want to thank again all the Indonesian fans who came and supported me," wrote Quartararo.

"Can't wait to go back to Indonesia. See you soon," he continued, accompanying his fun photo at Mandalika.

During his stay at Mandalika Quartararo, he showed his closeness to the community around the place where the MotoGP race was being held.

In fact, upon arrival in Mandalika ahead of the free practice session, Quartararo was not awkward to interact with the children selling Sade bracelets or Lombok traditional bracelets in front of a credit counter.

The 2021 MotoGP world champion is also often the center of attention because he was caught on camera laughing at the spectators who were cool to dance in the stands. He also showed an eccentric attitude when imitating the style of the rain handler on duty on the Mandalika Circuit track.

In the race in Mandalika, Quartararo showed his brilliant performance by finishing in second place. After this, he also has to prepare to appear in the third series of MotoGP 2022 in Argentina which starts on April 3.

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