
The Miss Universe Indonesia (MUID) 2023 event is being discussed in the country, but for the wrong reasons. Instead of discussing the achievements of MUID participants, there are allegations of sexual harassment cases that attract the attention of the wider community.

Miss Universe Indonesia made her debut this year with Fabienne Nicole Groeneveld being named the winner of the first edition which was held at the Beach City International Stadium (BCIS), Ancol, on Thursday (3/8/2023). The deputy of DKI Jakarta Province has succeeded in eliminating 29 other finalists from Indonesia to wear the coveted crown, perhaps, most of the women in the country.

Unfortunately, Fabianne's success was tarnished by bad news. Shortly after she officially assumed the status of Miss Universe Indonesia 2023, as many as 10 finalists even reported the beauty pageant to the police. This was done because of allegations of sexual harassment when they participated in the Miss Universe Indonesia beauty pageant. It was stated that a number of contestants were forced to open clothes and were photographed during a body check which was actually deemed unnecessary so it was feared that it would spread.

The beauty contest that should raise the value of women even makes them objects. We hope that this case will get justice for the contestants and those who do it must be punished, "said Melissa Anggraini, a lawyer for two Miss Universe Indonesia 2023 participants who reported Priskilla Jelita and Ratih Widiarta.

What the contestant Miss Universe Indonesia 2023 experienced was very concerning. Moreover, this happened in an international standard beauty pageant, which should not make women a sexual object.

The problem is, cases of sexual violence have occurred very often. Starting in public transportation, workplaces, schools, campuses, even in religious and boarding educational institutions. This raises the picture that there is no safe place for women.

Sexual harassment is a serious problem that can occur in various levels of society, including in the international environment such as Miss Universe Indonesia. The cause of women being victims of sexual harassment is more often complex roots and involves social, cultural, psychological, and structural factors.

"Several factors that can influence this, among others, because patriarchal culture is still very strong in many communities, some social norms that exist in society can disrupt sexual and lack of understanding of women's rights," psychologist Kasandra Putranto told VOI.

Meanwhile, Andy Yentriyani, commissioner of Komnas Perempuan, said that the high number of sexual harassment against women was partly due to the assumption that women as objects were still common.

"The rapid analysis, the public context that women as sexual objects are still large. In the mass media, advertisements, films, products and even daily conversations place women as objects so that sexual harassment of women is still high," Andy told VOI.

In addition, women also often feel ashamed to report acts of harassment due to a lack of support in the surrounding environment. Victims of breaking up are often blamed for acts of harassment by men or victim programming.

"With a good support system, the victim is not ashamed to report acts of harassment. For that, access must be provided, there must be a good understanding of harassment. We must also be a support system so that the victim is not ashamed to report the harassment experienced," Andy continued.

Regarding the current case of harassment, body checking is called a standard assessment and is common in a beauty pageant, according to Mukie Muza, founder of the Indonesian community of Pageant (IP). Body checks are carried out with the aim of seeing the proportion of the body, skin health, and fitness of participants. However, the procedure is part of the interview round or judging ahead of the final (preliminary) on stage and is carried out in an open space in front of many judges and witnessed by spectators.

Body checking in a naked condition is also mentioned that Mukie is unusual. According to him, when checking the contestants' bodies, they usually use swimming clothes or wear sports.

A person is often silent when he becomes a victim of sexual harassment. There are many reasons why the victim did not budge, one of which is a threat from the perpetrator. But apart from that, the victim also chose to remain silent because he felt embarrassed, worried that he would be ostracized, not to mention the existence of a blank victim or blamed the victim of sexual harassment.

Even though victims of sexual harassment have the potential to experience trauma. This is what Ratih Widiartha and Priskilla experienced, two finalists for Miss Universe Indonesia who reported the organizers to the police for alleged sexual harassment during body checking or body examination.

There I immediately closed my chest. Then I was banged and scolded if I was very not proud of my own body, what if later I was sent to an international competition which would definitely be seen naked by everyone," said Priskilla. "There I was a bit depressed, but I also couldn't do anything because I was afraid it was an assessment," he continued.

Ratih also experienced feelings of trauma. He even had trouble sleeping after experiencing sexual harassment in beauty pageants.

"I was told to leave one of me to the chair to see how, how was the bottom of my privacy, then I was told to turn around, there I was disturbed. Until now I am still overthinking, having trouble sleeping because I thought about how they did body shaming," said Ratih.

This is not the case of harassment in the entertainment world. In the United States, singer Taylor Swift said that she had been harassed by a DJ Radio, David Mueller. The 33-year-old singer felt that her butt was touching and kneaded while taking a photo together in 2013.

Swift then reported the matter and she won the case through a hearing at the United States District Court for the Colorado District in August 2017. The jury supported Swift and ordered Mueller to pay a symbolic 1 US dollar compensation.

In addition, Demi Lovato, Lady Gaga, and Kim Kardashian also admitted that they had experienced sexual harassment. Not to mention Jennifer Lawrence, who was abused by one of her producers while casting a film. However, most victims of harassment chose not to report the case.

What Ratih experienced was one of the psychological impacts of victims of sexual harassment.

"Some of the common psychological impacts include Posttraumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD), depression, anxiety and fear, low self-confidence and self-esteem, withdrawing from the environment, eating disorders, sleep disorders, and negative emotions that are difficult to control," Kasandra continued.

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