
JAKARTA The government must intervene to overcome the various controversies that occurred at the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, Indramayu Regency, West Java. If not, said Director of the Indonesian Moderate Network Islah Bahrawi, the impact will disrupt the stability of state security.

This is because what the founder and leader of the Al Zaytun Panji Gumilang Islamic Boarding School did by teaching the students and their congregation to mix some religious teachings that have violated the basic principles of a religion, and have even been classified as blasphemy.

Panji once invited all guests and students in the mosque to sing Hevenu Shallom Alechem, a Hebrew song that is usually sung every Friday night by Israeli Jewish society

Panji, continued Islah, is said to have also asked his students to read the holy book of another religion, the Bible of the Old Agreement, the Bible of the New Agreement, and so on.

"It doesn't mean we can't study other religious scriptures, but when there is a mandatory word for students in an educational institution, it's dangerous if it's not guided by the correct scientific understanding," he told VOI on June 21, 2023.

Then, considering that the Koran is not a holy man, it is only Muhammad's words. Making new laws regarding prayer fees that mix women and men, allowing women to pray and become priests.

This is a form of blasphemy, not a form of tolerance. In Islam or other religions, differences in Tarsir often occur. That's why in Islam there are schools of ideas. However, it does not then mix various religious teachings that ultimately eliminate the faith itself. There are still laws that are absolute. Can't be disturbed, "Illah explained.

In cultural matters, social matters, everyone is allowed, and even must compromise with anyone, with adherents of any religion, even people who do not believe in religion. The goal is to create a harmonious atmosphere.

But for faith matters, aqidah matters, there should be no tolerance. Not only Islam, but other religious people also have the same belief, faith matters should not be mixed. Well, Panji Gumilang mixes the aqidah realm, this is not tolerance," he said.

Another reason why the government should take a firm stance is because Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School is suspected to have been a forum for instilling heretical thoughts. According to Islah, there have been many public complaints about this, some of which have been reported by the police.

"Between the grabbing of land, sexual harassment, or falsification of letters reportedly carried out by Al Zaytun or his elements structurally. That's what I heard. In this realm, the state must be present through the position to prove whether the news is true or not," he said.

In addition, as an Islamic religious-based educational institution, the application of the curriculum at Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School is also suspected to have deviated from the provisions set by the Ministry of Religion. So, it is time to conduct an overall evaluation. If it is proven that the government must take over and rearrange.

Another is about Panji saying that Al Zaytun is not an Islamic educational institution but an educational institution that learns all religions. Or just say he made a new religion, a new belief, a new sect, for example," said Islah.

Mantan pengurus Ponpes Al Zaytun, Ken Setiwan pun meminta pemerintah segera mengambil langkah tegas. Terlebih, Al Zaytun sejak lama memang memiliki hubungan erat dengan kelompok Negara Islam Indonesia (NII). Panji lah, kata Ken, yang berinisi membuat NII komontas wilayah 9.

"More structured. He made a magnificent pesantren for functional purposes. Meanwhile, for purely NII territory, they already have a state structure, ranging from RT, RW, lurah, sub-district head to the president," said the founder of the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) Crisis Center to VOI on June 21, 2023.

NII is a community group that wants to establish a country within the country.

However, unlike the previous regional compartments, Panji disguised the ideology of NII with the teachings of the Christian Institution and Jesus Bugis. The teachings of the Racist Institutions are that there must always be a new Prophet to regulate institutions.

The new proposal is the priest or their leader. It has the prerogative of the congregation or his students. Just like what Ahmad Musadeq taught, "continued Ken.

Meanwhile, the teachings of Isa Bugis are trying to destroy religion and power. Reject unreasonable things. Unite Islamic, Christian, and Jewish teachings.

"So, what appears to the surface seems as if it is tolerance. The pesantre seems liberal. Islam but there is Jewish greeting, Christian greeting, even wanting to make Christmas at Islamic boarding schools and so on. While the understanding of the NII is not visible, even though this is thehaya," said Ken.

People who join NII will be destroyed by morals, aqidah, and their economy. If the leadership has issued a fatwa, for example, members must be ready to hand over all their assets. This is because the concept that is instilled is to listen and obey the leadership's orders without being allowed to refuse or deny.

Some even sell land, houses, some even steal. It doesn't say please steal, please rob. But he said, the assets outside the group, including parents who haven't paid, are all infidels, they were stolen gappa. It was 2000-2002 when I was inside," Ken revealed.

Currently, the number of Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School students is estimated at 10 thousand people. As many as 80 percent are descendants of members of the NII group. Then in the territorial structure, Ken said the number of NII members had reached 2 million according to Sardjono Kartosuwiryo data, the son of the founder of NII Kartosuwiryo who died in 2020. In line with data from the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT).

When the state is still safe, they lie down. But when the country is in conflict,chaos, they will return against the country," said the former NII commander.

That is why, Ken asked the Indonesian Ulema Council to immediately issue a fatwa by referring to previous research and the current latest information.

"The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and the Ministry of Religion in 2002 actually conducted research and stated that Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School was heretical and misleading. I don't know why research has not been published until now," he said.

Ken hopes that the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs will also intervene to coordinate with relevant ministries and institutions, including intelligence, Densus 88, MUI, and the AGO to resolve the problem.

What are these goods doing? The threat is very clear that it can interfere with the country's sovereignty. It's good to remember that the large number of students should not be closed, immediately carry out rehabilitation. Change all management with moderate people. If necessary, NU students will enter it there," said Ken.

"Like a glass filled with coffee, don't be given water anymore, the results will definitely be cloudy. It's better to spill the coffee, clean wash it, then pour the water, the results will be clear. Especially now, the masses are starting to get restless as a result of seeing Panji videos circulating on social media. They plan to continue to demonstrate, "Ken added.

As is known, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin on June 20 asked the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD and Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas to follow up on the controversy that occurred at Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School.

MUI has also formed a team to research and review various issues related to the issue of Panji Gumilang's religious attitudes and views.

Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Ikhsan Abdullah hopes that Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School can be saved from deviant things.

"This means that it does not deviate from its pesantres, but the administrators of the foundation, especially Panji Gumilang. We have recommended law enforcement officials immediately take legal action against it," he said.

However, Panji Gumilang said he was not afraid that MUI would conduct an examination. Moreover, MUI does not have the right to issue any fatwas because they are not God, the Prophet, or the Prophet.

"They are only ulama, we must be independent. It's up to MUI's fatwai to be haram, makhruh or halal," said Panji Gumilang, quoted from a video upload on the TikTok account @herrypatoeng.

During a demonstration by the Indramayu Sue Forum (FIM) at Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School on June 15, Panji was not afraid. He claimed Al Zaytun was pancasilaist and nationalist.

According to Panji Gumilang, what is taught at Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School is actually a life application of God. A life of Godhead that has a human spirit, is just and civilized.

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