
JAKARTA The increase in online shopping orders ten days before Lebaran overwhelmed the couriers. Not a few orders that finally arrived were not on time.

Complaints due to late orders inevitably graced the conversation of Twitter activists. The @scenezjk account asked the delivery service company to respond to its order, which had not arrived for 10 days.

"Please don't move my package for 10 days. Don't have a response to Wa but still don't have a response. Yes, do you use the economy but have to be around all this time? I also ordered it right again, it's not even though it's really late. package, "wrote @scenezjk on April 10 last while capturing the report tracking of goods.

The @carrolinds and @sherrrx accounts also tweeted the same thing.

"This @jntexpressid min, please help me, my package has been on the courier for 2 days, 2 days late, I'm so sorry, I need the goods," said @carrolinds on April 12.

The @sherrx account even included the order resi number, No resi JP4813979369, udh 2 days the package goes back and forth to the Jakarta transit hub, in WA and also in the email there is a response, even though the estimate is up to 13 km at the latest but this package is still at the sort location for 2 days. Please make it clear, j&t.)

Based on Netray's observations using several keywords, packages &&pm, packages && Lebaran and packages &&load, the number of tweets related to the topic reached 8,838 tweets. A total of 5,377 of them were negative sentiment tweeted by Twitter activists who were disappointed with the performance of shipping service companies. The number of impressions related to the topic reached 246.6 thousand with a potential reach to 99 million Twitter user accounts.

Although decorated with various complaints, not a few Twitter activists have shown sympathy for the couriers. The @rezalifi account considers it a consequence of online shopping. Especially now, when people really need shopping for Eid needs.

"They are chasing the target, because if the package is late, the short axis is angry. I was wrong to be a courier, I couldn't bear it. I also like shopping online, I just ignored it, that's the package. I've been on the wrong route, I've been stuck before, I've been stuck. The effect of the holiday, accept the consequences if the package is late," he tweeted on April 18.

Do not let this incident happen, the courier is given a bad rating. However, the courier has tried his best to achieve the target of completing all shipments even until the evening.

"It's overtaken, or comes super late. If it's urgent, it's also called a necessity, but don't be angry if the package arrives late or there are a little support because there are a lot of goods that must be brought by the courier one way," the @monhaewonee account added.

The results of Netray's monitoring, the @tanyakanrl and @convomfs accounts became the highest impressions on the topic. Then in the top people category, the @jntexpressid account became the most numerous account by Twitter activists. The account belonging to one of the expedition services is one of the most popular accounts in the discussion of netizens related to this topic.

Various popular vocabularys often appear in conversations, such as overload, long, booming, expedition, pity, patience, health, and various other vocabulary. These various vocabulary are words that Twitter activists often use in discussing topics about packages ahead of Eid, "wrote Netray through its monitoring on April 11-17, 2023.

Although not as high as during the pandemic, people's desire to shop online remains high. Digital economy observer from Sebelas Maret University, Ahmad Ikhwan Setiawan estimates that the increase could reach 30 percent compared to the previous month.

The things for Eid needs that are usually sought after are the hampers. The popularity of the stamps last year alone, said Tokopedia VP of Advertising Solutions Alfredo Setiabudi, grew by 140 percent and reached a record high.

Likewise with various food and beverage products, such as honey, pastries, and coffee. As well as household appliances and clothing such as headscarves, robes, and caps.

"By sloping down the COVID-19 pandemic, the growth in product categories relevant to face-to-face activities, such as Muslim clothing, beauty, and F&B is likely to grow as well," said Alfredo, in his official statement last January.

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