
A number of Gunadarma University Depok students abused two men suspected of being perpetrators of sexual harassment on campus. Both were tied to trees and doused with water. One of them was even fed a drink from a mineral water bottle which was reportedly filled with artistic water and stripped of water.

The act of playing the judge itself was recorded in photos and videos that went viral on social media on December 13, 2022.

The incident began with a complaint from a student who claimed to be a victim of sexual harassment by her colleague, namely one of the two men. The Instagram account @anakgundardotco, a creative media account and information managed by Gunadarma students then posted the student's confession on December 11, 2022.

Sexual harassment took place at Gunadarma University G Campus on December 2, 2022. At around 12.01 WIB, according to the victim's confession at @anakgundardotco, the perpetrator approached him in front of the classroom corridor in G112.

"We chat in front of the entrance to building 1 which is close to the parking lot, which has many tiles arranged. We chat as we usually discuss lectures, friendship in the campus environment, etc." he said.

Then, the alleged perpetrator entered the toilet in building 1, then called the victim.

"At that time I thought maybe she wanted to ask where the toilet girl or boy was because there was no sign. But suddenly, she pushed me to a very quiet end wall and censored her lips," said the alleged victim.

"Automatically I was edgeping (pushed him to the back) saying, 'the stupid person's nickname is not very clear', but he said 'only time' while his hands were uniforming number 1 like that, "he continued.

The victim still refused and immediately returned to his original place. The perpetrator and the victim had time to continue the conversation. "He told negative things that had sex like that. It's really weird, this is a guy, I was late until finally at 1 o'clock I pulled out of class."

The victim hopes that with his confession, the perpetrator will receive social sanctions. Because, according to him, several friends in his class are also a bit uncomfortable with the behavior of the perpetrator who is known from the post @anakgundardotco, named Tegar Putra Pradanta, a student at Gunadarma University in the 2022 Force.

However, in fact, a number of students actually took the law into their own hands.

"If you get social sanctions on social media, you can't be blasphemed, etc., that's it. But if you do it like that, you normalize violence to get justice. Which way do I think many people are hypocritical. I want violence to go away but to make violent solutions using violent means, already rich in vicious circles, what happens. Never end, "said Kevin Nguyen on December 12

In fact, according to him, the rules of the game are clearly contained in Permendikbud, Research and Technology Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) in Higher Education. Also in the Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS) in 2022.

"The one who did it became a victim and then reported back, got hit by the reverse card, where is the evidence? a lot," Kevin continued his tweet.

The TPKS Law has regulated that anyone who commits unphysical and physical sexual harassment is threatened with crime.

As stated in Article 5 of the TPKS Law, Every person who commits sexual acts non-physically aimed at the body, sexual desire, and/or reproductive organs with the intention of degrading a person's dignity based on sexuality and/or decency, shall be punished for non-physical sexual harassment with imprisonment for a maximum of 9 months and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 10 million.

Then, Article 6 point (a) of the TPKS Law for physical sexual harassment, Everyone who commits non-physical sexual acts aimed at body, sexual desire, and/or reproductive organs with the intention of degrading a person's dignity based on sexuality and/or decency that is not included in other criminal provisions that are heavier by imprisonment for a maximum of 4 years and/or a maximum fine of IDR 50 million.

As proof, in accordance with Article 25 paragraph (1) of the TPKS Law. "It is enough with the victim's statement that he experienced sexual violence, coupled with one other valid piece of evidence, and the judge's belief, it is enough to prove the defendant guilty," said R. Valentina Sagala in the book 100 Ask answers to a circle of sexual violence.

Legal evidence when referring to Article 24 paragraph (1) of the TPKS, consists of:

However, if there is a judiciary, the perpetrator of sexual violence can also report back to the authorities, including on the basis of the following provisions as reported by

The perpetrators of the judiciary themselves do not act as victims or rescue victims, but rather as perpetrators of crimes against persecution, violence, or destruction. This cannot be justified for any reason. It does not reflect justice and is uncivilized," wrote

Currently, the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator have resolved a family sexual harassment case. The victim, according to the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Endra Zulpan, was reluctant to report what he had experienced to the police. Because, according to his confession, it has been resolved with his seniors on campus.

"The case has been resolved, it is peaceful. So the victim did not report it," Zulpan told reporters on December 13, 2022.

"The most unfortunate thing about the gundar case is that now netizens are not too focused on recovering victims, focus more on KEBODOHAN for students who are playing judges themselves and creating new victims, namely victims of persecution. The initial T is the alleged perpetrator and also a victim here," Kevin said.

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