JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has started disbursing the distribution of the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus phase 1 in 2025 for the January, February, and March celebrations.
This distribution was inaugurated by the provision of KJP symbolically by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Pramono Anung, to a number of students.
"Today, the official KJP Plus, which amounts to approximately 707,622 students, we are launching, we will distribute, we convey. Hopefully, in no more than a week everything can be resolved," said Pramono at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, March 20.
Of the total recipients of KJP Plus phase 1 in 2025, 580,893 are students who are recipients of existing or advanced, and 126,729 are new recipients and students who were dropped from the KJP acceptance phase 2 of 2024.
The return of hundreds of thousands of KJP revenues has been Pramono and Rano Karno's promise since the beginning of his tenure as Governor of DKI Jakarta. This is because the revocation of some of the KJP Plus acceptances last year had drawn protests.
"I and Bang Doel decided, okay, everyone got it and then we made the governor's regulation so that everyone could get it. So if you ask why it wasn't decided in the past, I don't want to look back," said Pramono.
Continuing, the Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office for the disbursement of KJP Plus phase 1 of 2025 is stated in the Governor's Decree Number 266 of 2025.
The details are students with SD/MI levels as many as 338,971, SMP/MTS 189,437, SMA/MA as many as 62,295, SMK as many as 111,315, SLB as many as 2,908, and PKBM levels as many as 2,696 students.
"Today, those who have been old recipients, especially yes, recipients, have entered immediately. But the new recipients, of course, still need an administrative process at the bank for making accounts, printing books and so on," explained Sarjoko.
Thus, from the addition of revenue to 707,622 students, the budget that the DKI Provincial Government has to disburse has increased from IDR 2.05 trillion to IDR 3.29 trillion.
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