JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani supports the policy of the Bali Regional Government (Pemda) for the tourism business sector which requires 90 percent of the workforce to come from local residents. In the latest local government regulations, there is also a prohibition for hotels, villas, and restaurants to control or close beach access, except for traditional ceremonies.
"This step must be appreciated and an example for other regions that have great tourism potential," said Puan, Wednesday, March 19.
According to Puan, this policy will not only provide direct benefits for the Balinese people, but also contribute to strengthening the regional economy as well as preserving local culture and wisdom.
"Policies like this will open up more opportunities for local communities, help MSMEs develop, and ensure local culture and wisdom are maintained," said the chairman of the PDIP DPP.
Puan assessed that strict rules related to beachside control are needed so that nature sustainability can be maintained. He emphasized the importance of the tourism sector to always preserve nature and support sustainable development.
Sustainability is a crucial thing in the tourism sector, especially in Bali, which has a very rich ecosystem and needs to be protected from the negative impacts caused by mass tourism," explained Puan.
"Development in the tourism sector must continue to pay attention to nature's sustainability. That way, economic growth will continue but not ignore the environment," added the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.
Even so, Puan said the rules must be based on agreements with business actors fairly so that they can be carried out properly. Moreover, the tourism sector is the main support for the Balinese economy.
"This policy must be based on a clear and fair agreement from the start with business actors in Bali, including resorts and hotels," said Puan.
If these rules have never been discussed or agreed before, Puan asks the local government to first hold a dialogue. That way, he said, the tourism sector in Bali can still run conducively.
Tourism is the backbone of Bali's economy, and resort and hotel business actors have played a major role in creating jobs and improving the welfare of the local community. So the regulations governing this industry must be inclusive, involve various parties, and consider the needs of all stakeholders," he explained.
Puan hopes that the inclusive policies implemented in Bali can become a model adopted by other regions, in order to create a positive impact on the regional economy and society, as well as preserve Indonesian culture and nature.
"Other areas that have tourism potential can implement inclusive policies like this. Of course, this requires the accuracy of regional leaders to be able to balance investment needs with sustainable development which aims to provide prosperity for the people in their respective regions," he said.
On the other hand, Puan reminded that in the near future Indonesia will enter the Eid holiday season, which is predicted to trigger a surge in tourist visits. Therefore, she appealed to stakeholders, both at the central and regional levels, to ensure tourism infrastructure is ready to face the enthusiasm of the community.
Puan asked the Government to cooperate with every tourist site management to prioritize the safety and comfort of visitors so that the public's holiday experience can run smoothly and comfortably.
"In facing the holiday season, we must ensure that all supporting infrastructure in the tourism sector is ready, including access to transportation, accommodation facilities, and adequate tourism service systems. This is important so that people can vacation safely and comfortably," said Puan.
Bali Governor I Wayan Koster issued a firm policy regarding the arrangement of the tourism industry. The Bali Provincial Government now requires 90 percent of tourism sector workers to come from local residents.
Governor Koster also asked all business actors in Bali to have official permits and not to abuse local residents' names for the benefit of foreign businesses. This step is accompanied by the threat of sanctions for villas or spas used for the practice of prostitution and foreign tourists who trade or open businesses without a permit.
The Governor of Bali emphasized that anyone who violates the policy regarding the arrangement of the tourism industry on the Island of the Gods will be prosecuted according to applicable regulations, including sanctions for tourism businesses that control the coast.
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