
TANGERANG - Clashes between community organizations (ormas) in Larangan, Tangerang City were triggered by the problem of lowering the group's flag.

"A misunderstanding between mass organizations. There was a lowering of the flag and hate speech by brother B and brother J from one of the mass organizations on social media WhatsApp and Facebook," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary, Monday, December 23.

The problem caused a strong reaction from other mass organizations and gathered on Jalan Wahid Hasyim. Mediation was carried out so that the mass organization group dispersed, but failed to lead to clashes.

"Go back together and attack other groups," he said.

Meanwhile, Ade Ary also said that one person was reported to have suffered a stab wound. He said the victim had a wound on his stomach.

"Having a stab wound to the stomach," he concluded.

Based on the information received, there were allegations of regional struggles. Each group reported to each other to the other members until finally the two camps attacked each other.

There were members of mass organizations carrying sharp weapons (sajam) of the long sickle type.

One of the members of the mass organization was reported to have been hit by a sharp weapon. The victim was then taken to the puskesmas for treatment.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Ciledug Police, AKP Suwito, confirmed the incident. However, at this time the situation is said to be conducive.

The commotion has occurred twice, on Friday, December 19 and Saturday, December 20 night.

"That's right (2 times there was friction)," said Suwito when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, December 21.

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