Acting Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) Muhamad Mardiono said there was a discourse on changing the Articles of Association/Household Budget (AD/ART) in the PPP II National Working Conference (Mukernas) in Ancol, North Jakarta.
"It appears in the midst of this mukernas from several regional colleagues so that they can maintain the AD/ART as the basis for holding the congress. Because, there is an issue that maybe the AD/ART can be changed," Mardiono told the press, when met in Ancol, North Jakarta, Saturday night.
According to Mardiono, this issue arose in the forum because previously there was news that there was a movement that wanted to change the PPP AD/ART.
Mardiono himself assessed that the amendment to the AD / ART was possible based on applicable regulations.
However, if the AD/ART is changed now, that doesn't mean the upcoming X Congress will immediately use the new AD/ART.
"But the amendment to the AD/ART is intended for the upcoming congress. So, the results of the congress will certainly make changes to AD/ART which will then become part of the attachment to the new management decree application later to the Minister of Law," said Mardiono.
The new AD/ART, if there is a change, will apply to the XI Congress.
Mardiono continued, in the National Working Meeting this Saturday, his party agreed that the X Congress would be held after Eid al-Fitr 2025.
However, his party could not confirm the date and place for the congress to be held.
"Meanwhile, the time and place for regional colleagues to submit to the Central Leadership Council will be determined when, what date and then where it will be held," he explained.
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