
JAKARTA - Acting Regent of Bogor Bachril Bakri stopped the first operation of the Puncak Hibisc Fantasy tourist attraction owned by PT Jasa and Tourism (Jaswita) in the Puncak area of Bogor Regency, West Java.

"This has actually been brought under control a few months ago, it turned out to be reopened," Bachril said after giving a verbal warning to the management of Hibisc Fantasy Puncak as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 12.

The tourist attraction belonging to the BUMD of West Java Province was only recorded to have obtained approval for a building (PBG) of around 4,000 square meters of land, and there are still around 13,000 square meters of land that have not been accompanied.

Bachril said that the action to stop the operation of some of the rides in the Puncak Hibisc Fantasy had received approval from the West Java Provincial Government.

"So we have coordinated with the provincial government and we have received approval to take action to close it," he said.

In addition to stopping the operation of rides, the Bogor Regency Government has also deployed a Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) to seal buildings that have not yet obtained permits.

The seal in the form of civil servant investigators (PPNS) Line can only be opened when PT Jaswita has completed the entire permit processing process at the Bogor Regency Government.

"13,000 meters that do not have a permit are fitted with a PPNS line. Because it is still in the process of being licensed, only the permit has not been issued," said Bachril.

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