JAKARTA - The Panel of Judges at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court has postponed the reading of the verdict on 15 defendants in the alleged illegal levies (extortion) or extortion of prisoners at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Detention Center (Rutan) in the 2019 2013 period.
"Because of something, especially for deliberation, has not been achieved, besides that Mrs. Sri, a member judge, is also unable to attend, so we have not been able to read out (the verdict) today," said Chairman of the Panel of Judges at the Maryono Corruption Court at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Antara, Thursday, December 12.
Maryono postponed the reading of the defendants' decisions until the next day, namely Friday (13/12). "We will read out the (decision) tomorrow. Tomorrow is Friday, the 13th," said Maryono.
As many as 15 defendants in the alleged illegal levies (extortion) or extortion of detention centers (Rutan) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in the 2019 '2023 period were sentenced to 4 years to 6 years in prison.
KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU) Syahrul Anwar assessed that the defendants, who are former employees of the KPK branch detention center, were legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption.
"This is as regulated and punishable by Article 12 letter e of Law (UU) Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code jo. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code," said the Public Prosecutor in a hearing reading the indictment at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday (25/11).
The 15 defendants referred to are the Head of the KPK Detention Center for the period 2022-2024 Achmad Fauzi, the Head of the 2018 KPK Detention Center Branch Deden Rochendi, the Acting Head of the 2021 KPK Detention Center, and the Head of Security and Order (Kamtib) of the KPK for the period 2018-2022 Hengki.
In addition, KPK detention officers include Eri Angga Permana, Sopian Hadi, Agung Nugroho, Ari Rahman Hakim, Muhammad Ridwan, Mahdi Aris, Suharlan, Ricky Rahmawanto, Wardoyo, Muhammad Abduh, and Ramadan Ubaidillah.
In the case of alleged extortion or extortion of detainees at the KPK branch detention center, the 15 defendants were suspected of committing extortion worth Rp. 6.38 billion in the 2019 2023 period.
Extortion was carried out by the defendants at three KPK branch detention centers, namely the KPK detention center at Pomdam Jaya Guntur, the KPK detention center at Building C1, and the KPK detention center at the Red and White Building (K4). From each KPK branch detention center, the extortion collected is worth IDR 80 million every month.
The actions were carried out with the aim of enriching the 15 defendants, namely enriching Deden worth IDR 399.5 million, Hengki IDR 692.8 million, Ristanta IDR 137 million, Eri IDR 100.3 million, Sopian IDR 322 million, Achmad IDR 19 million, Agung IDR 91 million, and Ari IDR 29 million.
Furthermore, enriching Ridwan Rp160.5 million, Mahdi Rp96.6 million, Suharlan Rp103.7 million, Ricky Rp116.95 million, Wardoyo Rp72.6 million, Abduh Rp94.5 million, and Ramadan Rp135.5 million.
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