
"The two perpetrators are suspected of brutally attacking people with hearing impairments and are seriously injured," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tapin Zuhri Police, Muhammad, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, December 12.

He explained that the attack was triggered by a misunderstanding, initially PL and AM were involved in an argument with two unknown people who stopped at a shop, after the people left and the victim approached the two perpetrators out of curiosity about the incident.

"The situation was out of control when the victim tried to approach the perpetrator. The PL pushed the victim, who then responded by hitting PL's face. AM had tried to intervene, but the tension was getting out of control," he said.

Zuhri said that in an uncontrollable emotional condition, PL attacked the victim by hitting him repeatedly in the face, while AM also beat the victim until he fell and was unconscious.

Akibat kejadian tersebut, kata dia, korban mengalami luka lebam parah di wajah dan pendarahan di hidung, kini korban dirawat intensif di RSUD Datu Sanggul dan kondisinya sudah mulai stabil dan membaik.

Atas kejadian itu, kedua pelaku diamankan oleh Polres Tapin dan ditahan di Rutan Kelas IIB Rantau, pelaku dijerat dijerat dengan Pasal 170 Ayat (2) ke-2 KUHP Jo Pasal 351 Ayat (2) KUHP terkait tindak pidana penganiayaan yang menyebabkan luka berat.

He appealed to the public to avoid acts of violence and resolve conflicts with a cool head.

"This case is a valuable lesson for all of us to prioritize dialogue in dealing with all problems," said Zuhri.

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