
JAKARTA - Residents affected by the fire complained about the condition of clean water supply at the SDN 09 Kebon Blank School building, Kemayoran, which often dies.

"Sometimes the faucet at school often dies, sometimes it turns on," Wartini (37) told VOI at the evacuation site, Wednesday, December 11.

Residents were forced to do bathing and washing clothes at the general toilet in RW 05, Kebon Blank Village, Kemayoran, which was not free.

"Sometimes I take a shower at MCK too. Also pay at MCK, pay Rp. 2,000 for one shower," he said.

Wartini said the toilets in the school building and portable toilets were not sufficient for the needs of residents in the evacuation site.

"If you take a shower in line, the water is also lacking. Hopefully, the clean water will be added so you don't fight for it," he said.

In fact, from VOI's observation, to simply wash the milk bottles of the refugees under five, residents find it difficult to get clean water in the school building.

"The water is dead. But sometimes it turns on," he said.

Meanwhile, until Wednesday afternoon, a number of social assistance continued to arrive at the evacuation site at SDN 09 Kebon Blank, Kemayoran.

A number of residents and PPSU were seen working hand in hand to lift a number of sacks containing various social assistance.

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