
JAKARTA - The principles of green buildings (BGH) and smart buildings (BGC) are applied to government building construction projects in the National Capital City (IKN) of Nusantara.

"Currently, the principles of BGH and BGC are applied to the ongoing construction of government buildings at IKN such as the State Palace, the Office of the State Secretariat Ministry, and the Office of the Coordinating Ministry," said Director General of Human Settlements at the PUPR Ministry, Diana Kusumastuti, ANTARA, Sunday, November 26.

Diana said the PUPR Ministry continues to increase the implementation of green infrastructure in Indonesia. Green infrastructure has an important role in ensuring that the development carried out can still maintain the physical aspects of the environment and biocapacity.

In this way, we are able to preserve the natural system while still paying attention to social, cultural and economic aspects which ultimately improve the quality of life of the community.

Green infrastructure in the building sector is realized through the BGH concept.

Apart from that, PUPR Ministerial Regulation Number 10 of 2023 concerning Smart Buildings (BGC) regulates the use of smart or intelligent systems in buildings.

BGC is a BGH that implements a smart building management system that is responsive to regional context, environment, local wisdom and user needs that meets building technical standards and security systems using integrated high technology and works automatically in accordance with the principles of sustainability, function , and classification in each stage of implementation.

IKN Nusantara represents a superior nation by creating a smart city, a sustainable modern city, and having international standards, so that it becomes an example for the development of other cities in Indonesia.

The transfer of IKN is not just moving the state civil apparatus (ASN) and building government buildings, but is also a leap for the nation's transformation towards an advanced Indonesia.

IKN Nusantara will be built in stages until 2045 by carrying out the concept of the Future Smart Forest City of Indonesia, so that it still pays attention to environmental aspects.

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