
Indonesian Prosperous Farmers (PTSI) together with the Kampoeng Batik Laweyan and Tani Merdeka Indonesia Development Forum have a commitment to reduce stunting rates in Solo. To realize this mission, a number of housewives in Central Java's Solo were involved to receive directions regarding stunting prevention.

Academics as well as food security activist Astrid Widayani in Solo, Central Java, Sunday, said that mothers have an important role to play in presenting nutritious food in the family.

Therefore, according to him, a mother must understand the nutritional food needs in order to prevent stunting.

"This must be considered for the sake of a healthier and more quality Indonesian generation," he said as quoted by ANTARA, December 22.

Surakarta City DPRD member Sugeng Riyanto said the community could use the yard land to grow vegetables as an independent step to meet the nutritional food needs.

Related to this, he and other members of the legislature in the Surakarta City DPRD continue to provide support to the community to be involved in nutritious food security.

"We in the DPRD also continue to fight for the budget for stunting eradication programs," he said.

In the socialization conducted in Solo, Saturday, December 21, PTSI Chairman Supriyadi Kuncung said his organization would continue this socialization program in various urban villages in Solo City.

"The goal is to increase public understanding of the importance of nutritious food as a long-term solution to prevent stunting," he said.

He also said that so far PTSI has been committed to empowering women in the agricultural and food security sector.

According to him, with the mission of creating an independent, healthy and prosperous society, PTSI continues to support government programs, including stunting prevention.

"The goal is to produce a superior generation towards Indonesia Gold 2045," he said.

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