
JAKARTA - A senior official from the Fatah group said the attacks carried out against the southern region of Israel were a defensive war, recognizing Hamas as part of the structure in Palestine, saying the role of the military group was important.

The statement regarding the October 7 attack was delivered by General Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee Jibril Rajoub, calling it an action "in the context of the defensive war waged by our people," reported The Times of Israel November 26.

In a speech he delivered at a meeting with journalists in Kuwait, Rajoub also said that Israel was responsible for the events of October 7, because of its "aggression against the entire land of Palestine."

"Hamas attacks defeat Israel's right to integrate Israel into the region without resolving the Palestinian issue, based on the principle of peace in exchange for peace," he said.

That referred to the Abraham Accords that Israel signed in recent years with several Arab countries, as well as ongoing talks to normalize relations with other Middle Eastern countries, including Saudi Arabia.

"Hamas is part of our political and social structure and our struggle, and their involvement is important," added the man who is also chairman of the Palestinian Football Association.

However, he underlined that the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people is the Palestinian Authority (PA).

It is known that PA officials have so far refused to condemn the Hamas attack on October 7, which killed more than 1,200 Israelis and around 240 people were kidnapped in Gaza.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly indicated he is willing to take control of the Gaza Strip after Hamas is ousted from power there, on condition of establishing a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Separately, US President Joe Biden also previously said a “revitalized” PA should rule the Gaza Strip after the war, something Israel has repeatedly rejected, citing the PA's refusal to condemn attacks on its southern territory.

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