
BLITAR - Satreskrim Polres Blitar Kota has not yet named a suspect in the alleged murder of Fitriani, who was found to be just a bone with her casting condition and being buried in Suprio Handono's empty house in Bacem Village, Ponggok District, Blitar Regency, East Java.

Public Relations of the Blitar City Police, Iptu Samsul Anwar, said that currently the Blitar Police are still waiting for a case title and forensic results from the East Java Regional Police.

"So to determine the suspect, we have to wait for the results from the forensic laboratory and the case title. The case is still being held," said Samsul, Friday, November 24.

According to Samsul, to ensure the victim, the Blitar Police Satreskrim has also conducted an investigation and revealed the identity of the victim, known as Fitriani from Konda District, South Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. In fact, his party also managed to find the address of the victim's parents in Konda District.

From the information gathered, Fitriani is Suprio Handono's wife. Before being found, it was only my bones, Suprio Handono and Fitriani were married and had 2 children.

Over the past year, Suprio Handono's family and relatives have always asked about Fitriani's whereabouts. Suprio always replied that his wife had been taken away by someone else.

This murder case was revealed when the buyer of the house, namely husband and wife Sugeng Riadi and Domiratun, would renovate the empty house they had just bought from Suprio Handono.

Sugeng is suspicious of the presence of a pile of cor in a locked room. After being dismantled, it turned out that there was a skull and human bones in a cement cast.

Knowing this incident, the owner of the house immediately reported the discovery of the human skeleton to the police. Until now, this case is still under police investigation.

The police have also examined a number of witnesses including Suprio Handono, the husband of Fitriani.

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